Spy time

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Hawks P.O.V

After a few months of being roommates with Dabi I started to get used to him. It's been what? 4 months that we've been living together. What can I say I'm used to coming home after patrol and him giving me fresh cooked food and then we talk a while before we go off to bed. I enjoyed living with someone and after all this time I'm realizing he can't be all that bad right? That was until I spotted some blue fire from a certain someone down in an ally. So as a hero I went down to see what was happening. And there he was about to turn a group of people into nothing but ash. I used my feathers to quickly get them out before the flames reached them and Dabi turned to me and coldly said with no emotion
"Well well well looks like the little birdy saved their lives"
"Dabi why were you about to kill them?"
"Because birdy in case you forgot I'm here to kill all these fake hero's like you no matter what it takes. And if that's what you really want to then stay out of my way. The ONLY reason I tolerate you is because I'm waiting for the day I can kill you when you prove to be a traitor."
After he said that he walked past me using his shoulder to hit mine pretty hard and he disappeared into the crowd. There it was the moment I realized I got way to comfortable, he wasn't actually enjoying his time with me instead he was just waiting around to kill me. It was nothing new to me to block off my emotions from others or to just flat out cancel any unwanted emotions. After all those were one of the main things the hero commission taught me. I was being way to carefree with dabi. He's a wanted villain and killer so I just need to do my job and take him down. Bury all my emotions deep down until I'm on my deathbed.

Dabi's P.O.V

I was staring to enjoy hawks presence I was getting comfortable I was happy. But I know that can't last so it was best to cut my emotion ties with him and just hope he fucks up soon. After I went into the crowd I went home- to hawks home. I grabbed a bunch of alcohol and went up to hawks spot on the roof. It wasn't much but every (420) now and then it was the perfect spot. So I drank until I blacked out. It's easier this way. As dear old dad used to say, either cut off all emotions or be strong enough to ignore them. So what if hawks made my life better he would die anyways so might as well get prepared for when he does. Besides I still have the league and that's all that matters to me, their my adoptive family and it's great.

Hawks P.O.V

Every day after I go to 'bed' Dabi calls the league to catch up on everything so I'll just start listening in. I'll tell the heros what I hear and start training for the fight of my life. That night when I got home dabi didnt even have food like normal so I just ate cheese sticks. If this is how he wanted to be then fine. After I went to 'bed' I used a feather to listen in on Dabis conversation with the league.

Authors note: wow this chapter is very rough and dare I say the worst chapter yet. I still wanted to get a chapter out for you guys and Progress the plot a little
Word count: 623

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