Why me?

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Dabi's P.O.V

I go by Dabi for now that's all. I used to go by Touya but that's the past. The past I left behind all those years ago because of one man who single handily ruined my entire family.

His name is Endeavor, he's sadly my father. He married my mother Rei to get her ice quirk to create the perfect masterpiece of a child. They had me first, I looked just like endeavor I even had a stronger version of his quirk, but my skin was made for an ice quirk, that meant just by using my quirk I burned myself. Next they had Fuyumi and she got my moms quirk so she was deamed a failure by endeavor and ignored, all she wanted was our family to be normal and she tried so hard to make it that way. Next my parents had my brother Natsuo who once again had a weak ice quirk so he was also a "failure" and ignored so he ignored everything back. Finally they had Shouto the perfect mix of fire and ice, endeavor abandoned training me so he could only focus on training sho.

My life was an absolute hell with no light in my life, until high school. I met a boy named Hawks, yea we dated and it was amazing probably the happiest time of my life he was perfect for me. But all good things must come to an end.

One night I lost it, hey we all do, so I died my hair black and burned my own skin to make sure I had no traces left of endeavors stupid face and I ran away. I lived on the streets committing small crimes to get by, killing some criminals here and there no big deal. After a few years I found the league, they were all crazy but I guess I am too so I joined them, it would make my life easier so why not.

Lucky for them those idiots won me over, but don't let them know, in a way they reminded me of my siblings that I left behind. Toga and twice always talking my ear off like children, compress and spinner doing their own thing, kurogiri was chill and then there was shigaraki.

Let's clear some things up, i joined the league for stain not that crusty creep. I'll never understand that guy and that's coming from me. But hell he might just be the closest thing with a pulse I can date. In all honest I really just wish I could go back to dating hawks but I left that old life behind and I'm not going back. It'll hurt too much and the whole reason I left was to avoid pain, so it's better to just forget it all ever happened.

I know I said it's easier to forget, because it is, but... I kept one of Hawks feathers, he lost a lot of them and he kept me sane so I've kept it all these years. I also have a picture of my siblings but that's all, and all these things are top secret. If anyone in the league found them it would mean lots of danger. It stresses me out too much to think about it so I might as well get drunk and not think about anything.

Oh well Shigaraki wants me to recruit more people since that just went so well the last time we tried kidnapping that explosion boy. He said to recruit some hero's so I might as well try, it sounds interesting. I wonder who I'll manage to trap in the league.

(Word count 615)

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