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Dabis P.O.V

I saw him fly and land infront of me. Without even seeing his face I could tell he was just anothee cocky bastard playing pretend hero for the money. But he just lamded so now I can see his face- oh fuck he's even hotter then I remember and way hotter in person.

Hawks P.O.V

I just finished patrol and had to go straight to this abandoned building and it scares the crap out of me not gonna lie. Oh the things I do for work. Let's just say I'm exhausted and just want this to end and be over with. Although I will admit he may have alot of burns but he's still hot as fuck. I know what you're thinking I cant get with a villain and you're right, but I can still look at the menu. He started rambling on about the league and their cause and all the details, being honest I was mainly just focused on staying awake untiiiiiillllll he said, "And the boss decided it would be best if I lived with you to make sure you arent a spy." I was mad and suprised a little happy but mainly tired and so I said, "why do we have to live with each other though?! No offense but I dont want to live with a guy I know nothing about! I dont even know your favorite color and we have to live with each other!?" I could tell he didnt want to live with me either and he responded like the cool mysterious guy he is, "look birdy I'm sure you can spare a room in your mansion besides I dont want to live with you either. Its just temperary until you either come out as a traitor or the league trusts you. So lets go home shall we~" I rolled my eyes "fine. But we're flying its faster." I could see the terror in his eyes, this big bad evil boy who was one of the most wanted criminals was scared of hights I had to stop myself before cracking a smile. "Lets walk instead enjoy the view get to know the basic things roomates need to know about each other you know" he said trying to hide his obvious fear of heights. "Fine fine but if I fall asleep you're carrying me" he rolled his eyes and off we went. To my house.
Showing a villain
Where I live...
And keep my valubles...
And he is one of the
Most wanted...
Criminals in the country...
That I'm supposed...
To kill...

God endeavor owes me big time if I survive this mission, oh well I'll deal with this after I sleep and find the energy to.

Once I-we get home I can barely make it to my bed before collapsing on the couch and falling asleep honestly I was so tired I forgot about Dabi- shit oh well he can sleep on the floor or something.

Dabi's P.O.V

Wow birdy has a super nice house, almost like the one I grew up in- no forget about that. Anyways that pathetic bird fell asleep on the couch so I helped myself to a tour of his practically Jeffrey Star mansion. After a while I got through every room and learned a few things:
1. He's a very messy person
2. He LOVES kfc like a lot
3. He works a lot
4. He likes endeavor.
5. He's basically a human bird
6. He's very close to a rabbit chick, miruko I think her name is
7. The rabbit chick and endeavor are the only two people even remotely in his life
8. His wardrobe is interesting
9. He has no idea how to cook
And 10. Lucky for me- i mean not, he's still obviously single and very gay

I decide to take a break from being Mr. Bad Villain and carry hawks to his bed so he'd at least get a better sleep. So I picked him up bridal style and layed him in bed, but he wouldnt stop clinging to me. I tried everything to make him let go but he wasnt gonna let go so I sighed and layed next to him eventually falling asleep too.

Authors note:
I personally see hawks as someone like Jeffery Star or James Charals. Anyone else see it?
(word count 743)

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