Chapter 14

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(This is Nathan's father's house)

Jenny's Pov: 

I can't believe him. I thought to myself. 

"We have to call my mom and make sure she is okay," I said worriedly. 

"Okay let me call her," Nathan said. 

Ring Ring Ring 

"I will get that," Mr.Chris said. 

He went to the phone on his desk and picked up the phone. 

"Jenny it is for you," he said looking at me. 

I grabbed the phone and I felt my throat dry. 

"Hello," I said scared. 

"Did you like my gift," Ceaser's voice said on the phone. 

"Ceasar," I said scared. 

"I haven't heard that scared voice in a while. I miss it actually," he said teasing. 

"Ceasar please don't hurt my mom," I said with a worried tone. 

"Baby girl I won't hurt your mommy. But I will hurt Nathan," he said laughing. 

"No don't hurt him please," I pleaded. 

"Well baby girl we can make a deal," he said with a serious tone.

"What is the deal," I said. 

"If you come here I am and we can end it there. Alone with no Nathan and no security. I will not kill Nathan," he said. 

"Okay give me the address," I said to him. 

He gave me the address and I hunged up the phone. 

"Your mom is fine," Nathan said coming in. 

"You need to take me to my apartment," I said. 

"What why," Nathan said worriedly. 

"Because I need to change. I need to finish this on my own," I said. 

"What are you crazy. You can't go by yourself," he said with an angry tone. 

"I am not asking you to take me I am telling you," I said with a serious tone. 

"You can't finish him," Nathan said. 

"Fine then I will walk," I said walking out. 

Nathan's Pov:

"Son she can. She is the daughter of the mafia. She is skilled and she can kill him," Dad said. 

"Dad what are you saying," I said. 

"She is shy and she is innocent. But Ceaser did rape her multiple times. But she is a badass. There are two different sides to her. Here take these. They are earpieces and they are small. Give one to her and you put one in your ear. You can hear her and communicate with her. Let her finish it," Dad said. 

I was shocked and took the earpieces. I ran to the car and she was right there standing there. 

"Took you long," she said. 

"Get in," I said. 

We both got in the car. 

"I am sorry," she said. 

"It is okay. I am not upset," I said smiling grabbing her hand. 

"How are you going to kill him," I questioned. 

"Well, he can't resist me. Nor he can't resist sexiness. That is his weakness," she said. 

"You're going to act sexy," I said. 

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