Chapter 6

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Jennifer's Pov: 

Earlier that day... 

"Hello welcome what would you like to order," I say to the customer. 

I looked up and it was this really young and pretty woman. Her body was slim, her eyes were green, she had black hair. I mean she was amazingly beautiful. 

"I would just like some black coffee," she says. 

I nod and order it for her. 

"Do I know you," she asks. 

"I don't know so," I said smiling. 

"Don't you know Nate," she asked. 

I looked at her with a surprised looked. 

"Yes of course I do," I say. 

"Well I know him too, I am his girlfriend," she happily says. 

"Oh well nice to meet you," I smiled. I was hurt and anger. I couldn't believe my eyes. 

"How well do you know him," she asks. 

"I know him pretty well," I say. 

"Do you know what he does for a living," she asked. 

"Yes I know CEO," I said. 

"Well that is good I know him so well," she kept bragging. 

"If he would look at you he wouldn't even talk to you at all because you do not look like us," she smiled. 

I looked at her with anger. 

"I know who you are and I know your past, don't think I do," she smiled. 

"I don't think he knows but he might later Jennifer or Jenny if that is what he calls you," she laughed. 

She grabs her coffee and walks away. 

"Jenny it is time for your break," Casey says.

I nodded and walked into the employee room. 

I then started to feel overwhelmed. I sat down and drank some water. I then start to cry because of the pain and the memories brought back from my past. I started to shake and couldn't breath. 

"Rember you aren't important," my dad's voice said in my head. 

"No one loves you and no cares about you, I don't know why I bothered to date you," Ceaser's voice said in my head. 

"You are worth nothing useless, I should have beaten you up," my dad said to me in my head. 

I couldn't breath nor move. I didn't know where I was anymore. Until I saw my dad. 

"Don't hurt me please I didn't do anything," I say. 

He just smiled at me and got closer to me. I couldn't move I couldn't scream. 

Nathan's Pov: 

I got to the cafe and ran inside. Casey was waiting for me. 

"Where is she," I asked worriedly. 

"She is inside the employee room," he said. 

I ran inside. I saw her on the couch with her knees up covering her face. She was shaking like crazy. Telling her self that doesn't come close to her. 

"Hey Jenny," I said to her. 

She wouldn't listen to me. 

I touched her and she stopped shaking.

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