20- Drug busts and memories.

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A/N: Hey, I thought I would upload again today. There are only 7 more chapters after this one :(

Time skip to Saturday

"I love you so much Lia, you're capable of amazing things" Mom says, her hair blowing in the wind. She's about to walk away from me for the last time.

"Mom, I want to come with you" I beg, she engulfs me in a hug. Tears forming in her eyes. I know she hates to see me so upset but she needs to get away from this city. She needs to get away from the constant reminder off her past.

"Come on kid, let her go" Lee says, placing a firm hand on my shoulder. His grip slightly violent, he's mad Mom's leaving. Who wouldn't be? I know I'm going to be a constant reminder of her. But he loves me, I'm his daughter.

"No! No! Get off me!"

"Shut it bitch!" he grabs my hair, violently pushing me against a wall. "It's all your fault!"

My eyes shoot open, searching frantically around the room. I relax slightly when I realise it was just a nightmare. But my heart is still racing. I can feel myself beginning to sweat, and my breathing becomes heavy. I try to do the breathing thing Dr Charles taught me, but it's not working. I can't focus. I haven't been able to focus since my Mom came earlier this week. It's messed me up, it's brought back so many memories. Bad ones. I end up sitting on the floor in the corner of the bedroom, shaking. After what seems like a lifetime I can finally regain some composure. The whole experience is always scary. I never know what's happening to me. It's difficult to process my feelings. I look at the screen on my phone, seeing that it's 5am. Shift starts at 7 today so I need to be up soon anyway. Maybe it's the lack of sleep that's messing with my head to. Whatever it is it's not good.

I shower, brush my teeth and get myself dressed for the day. The same as always. I find that following a routine every morning helps me to feel in control. I know I've got everything sorted that way. When I arrive at intelligence everyone knows what's happening today. It's the day of the drugs bust. It's my first time with the guns, and it's Meyer's to.

"Come on, you must have a favourite" Dawson says. He's been trying to win the argument of which ice cream flavour is the best. I voted anything with chocolate in it. But Jay hasn't decided yet, he's torn between three different flavours.

"Can I not just have three votes?" he shrugs. Dawson groans, going on to say that it would just mess the scores up. Even though so far everyone else has voted different things. Soon enough the night arrives. The sun is no longer in the sky, instead it's replaced by the moon. The streets are dimly lit by the streetlights. Everyone is in their positions. Meyer and I being told exactly what to do. We don't shoot unless it's absolutely necessary.

The deal is going down in an abandoned garage, Meyer and Dawson are positioned in the room next to Ruzek and I. I exchange looks with Adam, he can sense how nervous I am about this. Last time I did anything like this, I ended up being shot. I'm distracted by two cars pulling up, one being Merhtens , the other being Benway. They exchange the drugs, Merhtens going to get back into the car. Voight orders us to move in, so we do.

"Chicago PD!" Dawson shouts, the two men looking shocked. Merhtens dropping the drugs and cooperating with us. But Benway has other ideas. He reaches into his pocket pulling out a gun and opening fire at us. I remember what we were told, shoot at him if he shoots at us. Just as he aims his gun right at Meyer, who hasn't taken cover properly, I shoot him. Realising what I've just done I feel weird. I know I've just saved Meyer's ass but did that guy really have to get shot.

"Watch yourself next time" I tell him as Dawson and Ruzek rush to cuff the two men. Meyer just kind of stares at me, not sure what he should say. Thanks would be nice. Jay comes rushing over.

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