3- Letting it all go

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A/N: Happy Monday! Hope you enjoy this week's chapter. 

"Lia, wake up...wake up." I groan as I feel someone shaking my shoulder. I open my eyes and realise I'm not at Davies' house, at first I'm confused but then everything comes flooding back to me.

"Stop shaking me, I will slap you."

"Well at least I know never to wake you up again." Antonio shrugs. "You're gonna make us late" I slowly bring myself out of bed not talking to him. I go into the bathroom and sort myself out. Styling my still semi damp hair I sigh knowing that today is going to be an interesting one.

"You're gonna have to eat in the car, here's some clothes." Antonio says, practically throwing them at me as he rushes around trying to figure out where his car keys have gone. I close the door as he leaves the bedroom and get dressed. I put on my worn out converse and finish mentally preparing myself. "Are you ready yet?"

"Yeah, are you always like this?"

"No because I don't usually have people to wait for."

"Well I'm sorry for being such an inconvenience." I snap back as I leave the bedroom.

"Lia, I didn't mean that"

"Whatever, I'm ready now anyway. Are you coming or not?"

"Obviously." Antonio mutters, locking the door behind us.

"Someone woke up on the wrong side of bed" is what I mutter as I get into the car, thinking he wouldn't hear me.

"What is your problem this morning?"

"Hmm, let me think. Maybe something to do with the fact that I was held hostage. Don't know though, could be something else."

"Lia, you're angry and upset. I get that. But I'm only trying to help you." Dawson places his keys in the ignition, bringing the car to life. He starts driving, neither of us saying anything else. We arrive and Antonio greets the woman behind the desk. He takes me upstairs into the main room of intelligence. Everyone is already sat behind their desks, seemingly busy. "Halstead, a word." is the only thing Antonio says, taking us both into the break room.

"This should be interesting." I hear Ruzek say as we walk past everyone else.

"What's this about?" Halstead questions, looking at us both.

"We've got something to tell you." Antonio replies, "Are you telling him or am I?"

"Er- I guess I can."

"Tell me what?"

"Shut up and let the girl speak Jay"

"Erm- I think we're related." I reply, my voice going back to being barely audible. I don't know what it is about this place but it just makes me feel so on edge.

"How can we be related?" he queries.

"You're dad, Pat. Well he's my dad to."

"Are you two messing with me?"

"Why would we do that?" Antonio questions. Jay sits on the sofa, soaking everything in. All his life he hasn't known anything about me and all of a sudden I just show up and change everything.

"How?" is all he manages to ask.

"I was told he'd slept with my mom, a one night stand, she never told him. I don't know much more, she left when I was young. She left a letter explaining everything, I didn't find out until a year ago."

"You've known a whole year and didn't even bother trying to find us?"

"I didn't know you existed" I reply, realising how emotional he is getting.

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