9- Criminals and confessions

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A/N: Hey! I'm missing being in college. Have another chapter because this book is the only thing keeping me sane in lockdown. 

I walk out of firehouse 51 with Gabby, Matt and Kelly. Saying goodbye to them as they head in a different direction to me. For the first time in months I've been left to do something alone and it kind of feels weird. I walk down the dark streets, the only light being that of the streetlights spaced metres apart and the moonlight. I focus my attention on getting to the bus stop trying to forget my surroundings, but I can't help but feel someone following me. I turn my head, seeing a male figure walking a distance behind me. Probably not following me, I'm just being paranoid. Right? I quicken my pace so that I can increase the distance between us, only for them to speed up after me.

"Were you ever gonna tell me?" they shout. I stop, turning to look at them.

"Who are you?" I ask as they get closer, the light shines on their face revealing who they are.

"Your brother's a cop, right?"

"Michael, what're you doing here?" I ask, avoiding his question.

"So he is?" he asks.

"I said, what're you doing here?"

"Answer my question first. Is he or is he not a cop?"

"No, he's not a cop."

"So why does he know so much about me? And how can he hack your phone?"

"I already told you I don't know, he's just into that stuff"

"You're lying" Michael says, his voice evidently annoyed. Stepping closer to me, I instinctively take a step back.

"Why are you following me?" he ignores my question, taking another step closer to me. His face frustrated, like he won't leave until he gets the truth. "Michael, why the hell are you following me?"

"I want answers" he states "And you're going to give me them"

"I have nothing to say to you"

"Oh, I think you'll find you do. First, how did you find out about the drugs?" he moves even closer to me, so that I have no way of really escaping him.

"I..I don't know" I mutter, looking down. That's when I catch a glimpse of his hand, he's holding a knife.

"Tell me" he says, leaning over me.

"Jay had heard about it, some friend of his knew your brother. Then he figured it out when I'd mentioned your name, that you were the brother who dealt the drugs"

"Who's Jay's friend?"

"I don't know, I don't speak to his friends. He'd stopped by the apartment to tell me."

"Now you're gonna explain this whole dad situation, who is he?"

"Antonio's not my dad"

"Then who the hell is he?"

"A family friend, I'd been in trouble and he took me in. That's it, there's nothing else going on" I stutter, trying to back away from him.

"So it's just a coincidence that one of the kids at school recognises them as the cops who arrested him?"

"They're not cops Michael. Why would that matter anyway?" I ask, desperately trying to change the topic.

"Because it does okay. I can't associate with you"

"Then don't, just leave me alone. It's not like I'm forcing you to hang around." He tightens his grip around the knife in his hand, so tight it causes it to slip and cut his arm. He winces in pain and then begins freaking out, waving the knife around in front of me.

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