6- A brothers love

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A/N: I got bored again so I thought I'd upload another chapter. The whole uploading on a Monday thing isn't going to plan because I'm too impatient to wait. Hope you enjoy it anyway!

"Hey Lia, have you decided about the party?" Michael asks as he catches up to me.

"Not yet" I reply, pulling a piece of hair out of my face.

"So that's not a no?"

"Maybe, you'll have to convince me."

"Good. Er- you've got an admirer"

"What do you mean?" I ask turning around to see Jay stood outside his car waiting for me. I groan, knowing he's going to do something in a minute and I will want to kill him.

"The brother?" he asks, I nod my head.

"I'm not sure what he's going to do. Either: one he's going to kill you or two he's going to kill me."

"I think it's a mixture of both" Michael replies, sending Jay an awkward smile. Jay plasters the fakest smile onto his face and makes his way over to us.

"Lia, so nice to see you. You never told me we were expecting company" he says through his grin. Knowing he's annoying me.

"You never asked" I reply, glaring at him.

"And you are?"

"Er-Michael" he smiles.

"Are you coming with us, Michael?" Jay asks.

"No, no he is not. And you are getting back in the car" I say.


"Right now" I glare at him. He walks over to the car, slowly, just to prove whatever he is trying to prove. "Just ignore him, he's being wierd for absolutely no reason"

"What can I say? I guess people just love me"

"See ya" I laugh, walking over to Jay's car. I get into the passenger seat and slam the door shut. "You're such an asshole Jay" I huff, staring out of the window.

"I'm your favourite asshole" he mocks. I don't answer him, instead continuing to stare out of the window, tapping my nails on the doorframe. We don't talk as we pull up outside of intelligence and remain silent as we walk up the stairs. I walk through the room where everyone else is working and throw myself down onto the sofa in the break room. I pick at the hem of my jacket, contemplating everything.

"Rough day?" I look at the doorway, seeing Ruzek stood there.

"If you've come to give me a lecture save yourself." he shakes his head, sitting down next to me.

"He just cares about you"

"No, he's just an asshole" I reply, exaggerating the just. "Does he really not trust me? Especially talking to some boy from school. I've dealt with worse."

"I know, but he doesn't want you to get in trouble. You're technically still in witness protection so we kinda have to."

"But does he really have to message him? He really does think I'm a freak" I groan, throwing my head back dramatically.

"I guess that was a bit of a dick move" Ruzek agrees, trying to hide his urge to laugh at the whole situation.

"A bit? It was a massive dick move" I huff. "I'm still refusing to talk to him"

"Fair enough, but don't ignore him for too long. He's so moody"

"He deserves it"

"We don't" Ruzek replies waving his arms in the air. "He's so miserable, I'm suprised no one's pulled him about it"

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