14- Should've, Would've and Could've

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I know for a fact Gabby has told Severide and Casey about the kiss, mainly because none of them can stop making comments about the reunion. A few others have picked up on this, secrets cannot remain secrets in firehouse 51. There's a 'this goes no further' rule but it always ends up going further. Just like the time Cruz was doing his Zumba class. The other's don't shut up about it, constantly telling me about the story as if I've never heard about it.

"I'm guessing you told Gabby" he states, leaning against the fire truck.

"I physically can't keep anything from her, it's like she can read my mind"

"So what're you thinking?" he asks.

"What?" I question. Him responding with a smirk.

"Look, I'm not gonna lie to you. I really like you, you're different. And I was wondering if you.." he trails off not wanting to continue, his body language telling me he's nervous. "I just don't want to ruin things, you're one of the coolest people I've met and I wouldn't want to make things awkward"

"Why don't we see where things go? Just let it all play out?" I suggest, knowing I wouldn't want to jump into anything either.

"I think you're full of good ideas" Daniel smirks.

"Stop doing that, you look like you're plotting to kill someone" I joke, his response being to smirk even more to annoy me. "Severide, the new boy's being a freak again" I shout jokingly.

"Rude" Daniel crosses his arms, pouting like a child who's just been told no.

"He's always been a freak" Severide says, appearing from behind the truck. Daniel faking a hurt expression before the alarm sounds again, signalling for them to go out to a call. Within seconds they're gone, leaving me by myself. Not sure whether I should stay or go I stand and contemplate for a while. I decide to go back to intelligence as I haven't really spent much time with them recently. It's all been weird, they're so busy with the amount of people overdosing. It's just case after case to add to the list of victims. When I arrive back at intelligence they're all busy working. I sit behind the front desk with Trudy.

"You look happy" she says, a knowing look in her eyes. "Which boy is it this time?"

"What d'you mean which boy? I don't recall there being multiple"

"So it's that boy from fire?" I nod in response, a small smile appearing on my face. "I've heard he's a nice guy"

"I can back that one up" I say, my mind flashing back to the kiss we had shared.

"Just don't let yourself get too carried away." Trudy rolls her eyes, "Puppy love doesn't last forever, you'll be arguing like a married couple next week"

"You sound like you're speaking from experience"

"Trust me kid, I know more than you think" Trudy states, turning her attention back to the computer screen. "Anyway, I have work to be doing. Unlike some people"

"If that was a dig at my lack of employment I'll have you know I applied for two jobs last night"

"Don't try to kid me, kid." she retorts, knowing I wouldn't apply for a job anywhere because I'm scared they'll reject me. I sit behind the desk with Trudy for a while longer, finally deciding to go upstairs to the others. As I'm walking up the stairs I hear them all discussing the case they're working on. Something being said about another victim. I walk into their sight, all of them stopping talking.

"Hey?" I say, confused as to why they've stopped talking. "I'll go to the break room"

When I enter the break room they continue talking, their voices too muffled for me to hear what they're saying. Not that I would want to, some of the stuff they have to see is sickening. I make myself busy by scrolling through instagram. I've only just recently downloaded it, eventhough I don't have many people on it I enjoy seeing the lives of people around the world.

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