5- Boys and Assholes

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I've spent my time in the hospital wisely, catching up on Netflix shows. I've watched one series of the office and have refused to do anything else. Jay and Antonio had to leave to go back to work. I insisted they went, it's not like I was going to die if they didn't stay. Will has been in to check on me every hour or so. But I don't actually mind being alone here. When everything first kicked off I remember being so scared to even go to sleep. I was so scared I'd wake up during the night and I'd feel like everything would be moving in the dark as if there was someone in the room with me. It took me forever to fall asleep and even longer to talk to someone about it. I first told Antonio who insisted I see some sort of therapist to help me, but of course I refused. I hate the thought of opening up to someone about my problems. And I certainly hate offloading my worries onto someone else. But he was persistent, and begged me everyday to speak to someone professional even if it was Will. So I gave in and told Will what was happening, he'd told Dr Charles and I've been working on it ever since.

"Jim or Dwight?" a voice asks, making me jump. I look up to see Atwater stood in the doorway.

"Hmm, I'm more of a Dwight kinda gal." I reply, causing him laugh.

"Basic, I see."

"That's rude, I'll have you know I have very good taste in favourite characters"

"Really? I'll take your word for it."

"Anyway, what're you doing here?"

"Will said you could come home today, so I thought I'd pick you up. Everyone else has left me."

"Poor you"

"I've missed my desk buddy as well, Jay's been flicking pens off tables again"

"I'll kill him for you, don't worry"

"That's not what I meant but okay" Atwater shrugs. After talking to Will and getting everything sorted we leave and make our way up to intelligence. I'm greeted by a smiling Trudy, which is unusual. I return the smile, slightly wierded out by her and follow Atwater upstairs.

"What're you doing here?" is the first thing I hear.

"Nice to see you too Dawson" I respond, throwing myself into the chair I usually sit in, immediately regretting it.

"Be careful or you'll end up in hospital again." Jay rolls his eyes.

"I think it's your turn next"

"What's that supposed to mean?"

"Nothing" I mutter. I get on with some work I have to catch up on for online school, my mind not fully focused on what I'm supposed to be doing. I go through one of the tests that I'd gotten a grade for. "Not again" I huff as the letter F appears on the screen. I go through my notes and make some changes to them. Maybe this wasn't the best idea.

The next few hours consist of the same thing, me stressing over the stupid computer and the others coming in and out of intelligence. In fact the next few months, consist of me tagging along and doing my own thing on the corner of Atwater's desk. I would go with Will to work but I can't exactly sit in a hospital room while he treats a patient. I spoke with Antonio and my brothers and we decided I should probably start high school. Just so that I actually have something to do, and because the online school hasn't been working out as planned. Today's my first day of going to school and Antonio can tell I'm nervous. As my 'legal guardian' he has to be the one to enrol me into the school and he's basically a dad to me anyway. My outfit consists of a cropped tank top and ripped mom jeans. I pair the look with a jacket I found somewhere and my battered converse.

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