8- Firehouses and Fall Outs

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My phone buzzes in my pocket, I know that it's going to be Michael but I can't help but look to see what it says.

Michael :) - I'm sorry, I guess I just freaked.

Me- I think it's best we don't talk anymore

Michael :) - I'm not some drug dealer, I was trying to help my brother

Me- No one forced you to do it.

Michael :) - Just like no one forced you to put yourself in the position you did

Me- Don't you dare compare what happened to me to your stupid decision

Michael :) - You're over reacting

Me- No, I'm being smart. I'm not putting myself in the position I did before. Don't talk to me again.

I lock the phone, putting it back in my pocket.

"I got you a present" Ruzek says, standing in front of me. I look at him confused, taking the bag in his hand. I pull out a wig and a pair of sunglasses, causing the others to erupt in laughter. "If you're going to try and hide from me put some effort in next time"

"I wasn't-" I start.

"A menu, really?" Atwater laughs.

"Well it won't be happening again. But I'll disguise myself when I decide I'm running away."

"You'd miss me too much" Burgess states.

"Correction, I'd miss the food you give me" she fakes a hurt expression, holding her hand to her heart.

"Did you tell that kid about us?" Jay asks.

"No, but he's probably put two and two together by now" Michael isn't dumb, and now that he knows I've found out about the drugs and my brother acts the way he does, he'd be stupid not to realise. "So does this mean I've messed things up again?"

"You never messed anything up, in fact you've probably helped us out" Ruzek states.

"What do you mean?"

"Well now there's no way you can get involved with him and the drugs."

"I wouldn't have done that anyway, I may be thick but I do have some common sense"

"I never actually said that-"

"Don't bother, it's over now. He clearly wasn't who I thought he was" I say, a small smile on my face. I turn my attention to Antonio "I'm going down to see Gabby, I'll see you back at the apartment"

"I can give you a lift" Atwater offers.

"I can get a bus-"

"It's not like I have anything else to do" he states, I give in and we make our way to his car. He turns on the radio even though he always complains about the music they put on.

"Thought radios where for old people?"

"Maybe some of them are cool" he laughs. "And you're not in much of a talking mood"

"So why'd you volunteer to give me a lift?"

"Because I wanted to. What's up?" he asks.

"I just guess I really thought he was a decent person" I sigh.

"Decent people don't lie to you"

"Technically he didn't lie because I never asked"

"True, but what he texted you. That's no way to treat someone if you really care about them"

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