28. bang

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It seemed as if the whole city went silent, just for a moment, while my thoughts wondered from bad to worse. Like my feet had a mind of their own, going as fast as they could back to a dark, dingy alley.

Everything seemed to be in slow motion, yet it happened so fast. My eyes traced the scene;a pool of blood, a lifeless body. I run over to her, dropping to my knees by her side. The sobs came fast, and didn't stop. I hunch over her still body, and hope my tears form a river so I can drown myself.

My older sister, my best friend, the person I could always go to anything about:gone.

Aaron, him and Carter being the only ones not tied up, kneels next to me, holding me while I sob.

I look up and scan the faces of all the people around. Nash, oh Nash, he had just watched the girl he loves get shot. He had tears, streaming down his face, but it seemed as if his mouth was glued closed. Like he would never utter another word again. Cam was still laying next to her, he had lost so much blood himself. He was pale, white as a sheet. There were no tears on his face, only a look that I had never seen before. Regret. For what I wasn't sure, but I knew it was there.

Hayes, my dear sweet Hayes, was still knocked unconscious, unaware of everything that was happening.

"Now, who's next?" dad snarls, sticking the gun between Taylor and Shawn.

"STOP! STOP STOP STOP!" I wiggle my way out of Aaron's tight grip, and knock the gun from my father's hand. I attempt to pick it up, him beating me to it.

"Oh, you mean you want him gone next?" dad points with the gun towards Hayes.

"No! Please don't hurt any of them." I sob.

"And why would I do that?"

"Because...because you can have me instead." the words quickly pour out of my mouth, as I confidently lower the gun.

"Sophia!" Matt tries to spring up, despite his restraints. He falls back down, and I sob even harder, with my best efforts to compose myself.

"You want to trade yourself for all these boys? I always knew you were a whore." chuckles Dad.

"Don't talk to her that way!" Jack and Jack yell.

"I will talk to my daughter how I want to." He snarls. "Come on Sophia, let's go."

Dad grabs my arm, stuffing the gun back in his pocket. He yanks me from the alley, and throws me into a nasty smelling old car.

"Where are we going?" I sniffle once we get on the highway.

"To see your mother."


What have I done? It's my fault, I told her to run. If she hadn't gone, Anna would still be here.

How do we tell her mom? And Paige?

How did I let this happen?

"Come on Sophia, let's go." the nasty voice of Sophia's father snaps me out of my thoughts, and before I knew it, she was gone.

Aaron quickly pulls out his phone, dialing 911. I untie everyone, and we go and stand around Anna's body, Nash kneeling next to her shoulder.

Nobody said any words, we all knew exactly what the other was feeling: guilty.

"The police and ambulance should be here soon." Aaron murmurs.

We nod and grunt, not paying attention to anything other than the body of the beautiful girl in front of us.

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