12. jacob

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i was lightly swinging on the swings, thinking of what the hell i was getting myself into, when Jacob Gates comes walking towards me.

you got this Sophia.

Dont let him win.

"I was wondering when you would realize you were meant to be with me." He chuckled, standing a bit too close to my swing for my liking. I get up and walk over to a bench, although I didn't sit down.

"That's not why we are here and you know it. How did you get that recording?" I spat at him.

"Oh Sophia, a true spy never shares his secrets" he shrugs, reaching for my hand. I quickly jumped away.

"Tell me right now!" I pushed.

"No." he simply replies, coming closer, and closer, and closer until I was wedged in-between him and a huge block of dense, tall bushes.

"Jacob, back off." I tried to get him to move.

"C'mon babe." He tries to kiss me. I dodge, and he gets my ear. When he calls me babe, it doesn't feel nearly as good as when Hayes does it.

And now he is determined to kiss me again.

"Jacob! Jacob stops it right now!" I yell.

"Make me." He whispers, inching closer to my lips.

"SHE SAID STOP, JACOB!" yells a familiar voice from the sidewalk. I look over Jacob to see Sean. I quickly worm my way around Jacob and over to Sean. He hugs me, and holds me in his arms.

"Are you ok?" he asks me, and I nod.

"Are you seriously doing this? Don't you know what I have on you?" Jacob asks in disbelief. I look at the two of them in confusion.

"I know exactly what you have on me, and you know what? I DON'T CARE!" Sean yells back at him.

What the hell is going on?

"Sean w-"

"I have something to tell you. I'm the one who gave Jacob that recording. I recorded you at lunch the other day." Sean cuts me off. I worm my way out of his grip.

"Why would you do that?" I feel my throat start to choke up, like I'm about to cry.

"Because...because I'm gay." Sean quickly says. My jaw drops, but I quickly close it.

"And what does this have to do with anything?" I ask, annoyed.

"I kissed Kyle Henderson, and Jacob somehow found out about it. He was using it to blackmail me to do bad things to you. That's how Jacob knew to go to your house on Friday, and why I asked you to meet me. So I could get you talking about all your problems, and then report the, back to Jacob. The second I did it, I felt so terrible. But anyways, I talked to Kyle and told him everything that was going on. He said he didn't care about coming out. No one should have to suffer this. I'm really sorry soph. please forgive me." Sean explains.

I stand in silence, and watch Jacob glare at Sean.

"It's ok." I smile, and hug him. "I'm just glad you told me."

"It feels so good to finally get this off my chest." Sean's sighs, breaking the hug. Both of our eyes travel to Jacob.

"I don't ever wanna hear about you messing with Sophia again." Sean snarls.

"Wouldn't dream of it." Jacob rolls his eyes, and starts up the sidewalk.

Sean and I leave the park, and he walks with me all the way back to my house.

"Thank you Sean. For stopping him." I smile as we stand on my front porch.

"I'm sorry for what I did." He says once again.

"Trust me that's all in the past." I smile and hug him. I go inside, and watch as he walks down the street from the window.

I'm so glad he trusts me enough to tell me.

Things are definitely going to be good for a while.


ok lol anyways thanks for 150 reads! It makes me really happy seeing that people take time to read this hehe.

So the actual drama that the story is named after is about to start but first I'm debating wether or not to put in some cutesy chapters? Like on valentines day? Idk bruh but tell me if you want those or not.

Ok that's all maybe we can get this to 200 sometime soon?


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