27. dad?

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*Sophia's pov*

"Dad?" I stand up straight, still in the pool.

"So great to see you again, Sophia." He snarls, inching closer to the pool.

"Sophia, whats going on?" Hayes asks, standing on the side of the pool opposite my "dad." I guess I didn't really tell anyone what went down with him, only Emma, Liz, Sean, and Alex because they were in my life at that particular time.

"I thought you were in jail?" I stare at his overgrown figure, ignoring Hayes. His clothes were dirty, he had a disgusting beard growing, and his hair and skin looked like they hadn't been washed in days, maybe even weeks.

When he doesn't answer, I slowly trudge to the side of the pool that the guys were on, and they help me out.

"Soph?" Aaron pushes.

"I'll tell you later, ok?" I bark.

The boys stand in front of me, making a protective sheild from my father.

"I can handle myself!" I push inbetween Cam and Carter, getting in front of them.

Dad chuckles. "Strong-willed, just like your mother. She put up quite a fight when I took her and Paige."

"What did you do with them?" I yell. lunging at him. Cam grabs my arms, and holds me back.

"Soph, let's go inside." Carter takes my arm with a firm grip, while Hayes hurridley grabs my camera and our phones. Carter leads me inside, followed by the rest of the guys. I keep countinuously looking over my shoulder, and see him following us.

"He's following us, can we please, please get somewhere, and fast?" I cry, mood quickly changing from feeling strong to scared. Aaron finds a closet full of cleaning supplies, and we quickly slip in and lock the door.

"I know you're in there Sophia, you can't hide from me. Are you sleeping with all your boyfriends? You were quite the slut, even when you were 11." Dad snarls from outside the door, pounding on the hard wood.

"SHUT UP!" I scream at him, covering my ears.

"Sophia, what the hell happened with him?" Cam yells.

"Can you please stop yelling?" tears stream down my face,

"It's ok, baby, it's ok.." Hayes wipes away my tears, and slowly sits down with me on the cold tile floor.

"I'm sorry Sophia, I'm just worried about you." Cam sits down on my other side, Aaron and Carter across from us.

"Uh, ok, so when I was about 11, and Anna was around 14, our dad would go out and get drunk, pretty much every night. He would come home, and beat mom, and sometimes Paige, even though she was barely 1. Most nights, he would beat mom until she was outcold, and then he would come upstairs, and uh, he would...god, I don't know how to say it uh..." I try, getting choked up.

"It's ok Soph, we get it." Aaron supportivley smiles, telling me to keep going.

Hayes starts to stroke my wet, tangley hair, and I continue. "Well uh, we would tell mom about it the next morning, and she would try to get to the police, but dad would threaten to kill her if she tried to. One day, dad was so drunk he passed out, and mom took all three of us with her to the police station, and we reported his ass. They told us he was gonna be put away for life, I don't know how he got out." I look down at my lap.

"Stop playing the victim, Sophia Hazel! You know you enjoyed every moment of those nights we spent together" dad yells through the door.

"Leave her the hell alone! You hurt her!" Hayes yells, going up to the door.

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