04. Who Do I See Standing There?

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*Sophia's pov*

"Okay, first question. How did you all meet?" I read.

"Alex and I have known each other since like preschool." Emma says.

"And then You, Alex, and Liz and me were all in the same kindergarten class, right?" I say.

"Yeah, and then Sean, who isn't here-"

"Faggot." Hayes interrupts Alex. I slap his arm.

"Now I'm gonna have to bleep that out." I pout.

"Anyways, Sean, who isn't here, was in our first grade class, so til like sixth grade it was Emma, Liz, Soph, Sean and I." Alex says.

"And it was sixth grade that Matt moved here, right?" Liz asks. I nod.

"Yeah, and then Alex met him and introduced him to us." Emma says.

"And then we met Hayes like what, 2 weeks ago?" I ask.

"Yeah." Hayes smiles.

"I'm a student ambassador, so I was asked to show Hayes around school. He ate lunch with us, and he just kinda, uh, clicked with us, I guess. Feels like I've known him forever." I explain.

"And thank god, all the other people at our school are annoying spoiled fuckers." Hayes breathes.

"Seriously Hayes? Now I have to bleep that out too." I glare at him.

He generously smiles, causing me to giggle some.

"Okay love birds, next question." Matt raises his eyebrows at us. We both punch his arm.

"Okay, next question. Which of one of each other would you date?" I bite my lip after reading that question. We all look at each. "Uh, just blurt when your ready, I guess." I say.

Ok, uh, what? Hayes is perfect, I mean, he's got all the qualities i like. Good looking, athletic, funny, sweet, smart, but not too smart. But Matt...we kinda had a little thing last year. Nothing more than a movie date and a teensy weensy kiss. But we agreed to put that behinds us, right?

"I'm just gonna be forward. Matt." Emma shrugs. Matt turns red, and smiles.

"Good, because I say Emma." Matt giggles.

"Oh Matthew." Emma slings her arm around him.

We all laugh.

I look over at Hayes, and seems to be intently studying a picture on the other side of the room. I look at Matt, and he's laughing with Emma.

"Hayes." I sigh at the exact same time Hayes says "Sophia."

I get butterflies in my stomach. I never felt like this with Jacob.

We glance at each other, then back at the floor.

"Well, I'm going to ease this tension by saying I would date Alex." Liz says.

"I would date me too." Alex shrugs. "I would also date you." He says to Liz.

"Uhm, uh, okay, uh, let's move on." I struggle to say. I choose the most recent tweet. "Okay, this question is for Hayes. Why haven't you asked out Sophia yet?" I become more slow and less confident with my words toward the end. My eyes widen from what I just read.

We all stand in silence.

"Well, Hayes?" Liz raises her eyebrows and smiles. I glare at her.

"Uh, ok, so I understand you guys all ship me and Sophia for some reason i am unsure of, but we just met 2 weeks ago. I don't wanna rush into anything. If we date and find out we don't like each other, it would ruin our friendship. If we wait, then who knows, maybe we'll hit it off and elope at sixteen," he pauses for a small giggle. I giggle too. ,"Anyways, long story short, I value all my friendships, and I don't wanna ruin them over something stupid that we rush into."

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