10. mcdonalds

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*sophia's pov*

I woke up on Sunday morning at 7 fucking 30 a.m. to my phone blasting my ringtone. I groaned as I rolled over, then checked the caller id.

Hayes💜💞 is calling

"Hayes, it's seven fucking thirty, what could you possibly want?"

"Good morning to you too, sleeping beauty."

"You know I'm not a morning person." I groan.

"Well, I was wondering what you were doing today?" I could almost see his goofy smile through the phone.

"I told you, we are spending today apart."

"Ok,well I still wanna know what you're doing today." He pushed.

"I dunno, I was gonna go meet Sean somewhere. Maybe go to church or something." Hey, gotta praise The Lord sometime, right?

"I didn't know you went to church?"

"We used to go a ton, like when my parents divorced and stuff, but now we only go like every three weeks."

"Oh, ok. So what are you and Sean gonna do?" Why does this boy ask so many questions?

"I don't know, Hayes. Maybe go to lunch or something?"

"Well have fun. And remember, NO FUNNY BUSINESS!"

"Ok Hayes." I laugh.

"Goodbye sophiwophie" he says in a cute little kid voice.

"Goodbye, haysieboo." I say in the same voice, and hang up.

Well damn, now I can't go back to sleep. What exactly does one do at 7:30 in the morning? For gods sake, the sky is barely even awake right now.

I went downstairs, and grabbed a bag of chips and a dr pepper(healthy breakfast right) and went back up to cuddle in my bed. You know, with my giant teddy bear. I grab my laptop and start up netflix, while enjoying my heart healthy breakfast.







(Cue spongebob) *two hours later*

My door swung open and there stood Anna.

"That's where the chips went!" She motioned to the empty chip bag on the floor. Oops I ate a whole bag of chips. Oh well.

"And your point is?" I roll my eyes. She was interrupting my glee marathon. Bitch.

"Get ready, we are leaving for church in an hour." She left my room and the door was wide open.


I start to get ready for church. I pick out a mint green tshirt dress, white crochet tights, a jean jacket, and Tory burch riding boots. I lay them on my bed, and turn on my curling wand. While I'm waiting, I put on mascara, foundation, and a nude pink lip gloss. I put on my outfit and curl my hair to perfection, grab my phone,then head out my bedroom door with 15 minutes to spare.

"Jesus Christ Sophia, we've been waiting for like 5 minutes." Anna whines once I get downstairs.

"What? I thought we weren't leaving til ten thirty?" I say. I glance at my phone. 10:31.

"C'mon girls, let's go" mom says. She leaves Paige in a chair in the kitchen, relying on one of us to get her. Anna completely bypasses it, and goes out the door. I roll my eyes at her and pick up Paige.

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