02. The truth behind Jacob

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*Hayes pov*

As I walked down the halls with Sophia, I noticed how gorgeous she was. After our fans had started talking about us, I scrolled through her twitter, Instagram, tumblr, and watched like all her youtube videos. Her voice was like nothing I had ever heard before. Her cover of say something was so amazing I almost cried.Yes, i know, it sounds stalkerish, but I was curious. She looked pretty in all her pictures and videos, but none of them did her any justice. I mean, she was truly gorgeous. Her hair bounced with every step she took, and her smile made me stare even deeper into her soft hazel eyes. She was also really well known. We had been popping into classes of all grade levels, getting the feel of things, and every single teacher and pretty much every student knew her.

She was-

"Hayes." Sophia interrupted my chain of thoughts. She looked up at me. I was a good 5 or 6 inches taller than her.

"Yeah, what?" I asked, noticing that I hadn't really been focusing on the tour.

"This is the cafeteria. Ready for lunch?" She asked.

I nodded and smiled, and we entered the cafe. It was big, and all three grade levels were in here. I followed her over to a table to where people who I assumed her friends were sitting.

"Hey guys." She smiled, sitting down inbetween a tall blonde and a muscular guy. I stood awkwardly behind her.

"Alex, could you move over one?" She asked. He nodded, and scooched down a chair.

"Have a seat." She motioned. "Hayes, this is Emma," the blonde, "Alex," the muscular guy, "Liz," a brunette who sat across from me, "matt," a good looking guy who sat across from Sophia, "and Sean." A dirty blonde who sat across from Emma. "Guys, this is Hayes. Hayes Grier."

"Hi." I awkwardly waved.

"Hey Hayes, nice to meet you." Alex shook my hand. I smiled.

"You too." I replied.

"So you play any sports?" Matt asked me.

"Yeah, back home I played football and lacrosse." I replied.

"Well football season is over, but spring lacrosse tryouts are in a few weeks. You should play! We all do." Sean says, referring to all his him, Matt, and Alex.

"I don't know, maybe." I said.

"C'mon Hayes, do it!" Sophia begged. "I play too. It'll help you make more friends."

"Okay." I gave in.

"Good." She smiled at me. God, that smile could put me in a trance.

"So Hayes, did you have a girlfriend back in wherever you came from?" Emma asked. Sophia smacked her arm, and her and Liz giggled. "But for real, did you?"

"Uh, no." I replied, a slight smile on my face.

"Good, that means you get to pick between the three of us." Liz giggled. Sophia shot her the death glare, which only made Liz and Emma laugh harder.

"They're kidding." Sophia turned to me, her face as red as a cherry.

"No I'm not!" Emma basically yelled. She's the kind of person who would be a fun drunk, as weird as that sounds. Emma's just got this loud personality, kind of like Klohè Kardashian, if that makes any sense. you can tell by looking at her.

"Don't worry, they did this to me too when I moved here." Matt told me.

"What? No we didn't." Liz recalled.

"Oh right, you didn't, they did." Matt looked at Sophia and Emma. Emma was smirking, Sophia was trying hard to contain a giggle.

"So Soph, any word from Jacob?" Sean changed the subject.

"Nope," Sophia stared across the cafeteria at a guy I assumed was Jacob, "not one word since that night, not even a sorry."

"I'm sorry, phi phi." Emma slung her arm around Sophia. Her nose cringed at the sound of that nickname.

"You know I hate that name. It sounds like I'm a goddamn cat." Sophia scolded. Even curse words sounded so pretty coming out of her mouth.

"We call her phi phi to annoy her sometimes." Alex states. "As you can see, she hates it."

I laugh, and a bell rings.

"Alex, could you walk with Hayes to fifth period? You've got it together. Meet me outside the classroom when it's over." Sophia asked.

"Yeah, sure." Alex smiled at her as we all got up.


"So Jacob, what happened with him?" I ask Alex as we walk down the hall.

"Uh, so Sophia and Jacob had been dating for about two months when one of our friends threw a New Years party a few weeks ago. Sophia and Jacob went together, obviously, and then about an hour into the party she couldn't find him. She went looking everywhere because it was almost midnight, and you know how you're supposed to kiss someone on midnight, and found him in the backyard making out with the school slut, Bella. She stood there sobbing, and he didn't even apologize. He just sat there, smirking. Turns out he had been cheating on Sophia for a few weeks."Alex sighed.

"Oh my god, that's terrible." To think anyone would need more than her hurt my head. Anyone who could have her should be pretty damn grateful.

"Yeah. For like three days after it happened, she just laid in bed. She wouldn't even talk to Emma and Liz."

"It must of really hurt her then." I sighed. Just from the few minutes I had seen them together, I could tell that they were the three musketeers.

"She really loved him." Alex said. We sat down next to each other in the classroom, and that was the end of that conversation.

A/N: hey guys! So this story kind of starts out slow, but eventually there's a ton of drama lol. So comment any positive feedback? I love hearing from you guys:)


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