Chapter 5: Everything I Wanted

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„Why did you leave so early on Saturday?", Cat asks as she sees Jade in the school hallway.

„Don't pretend like you would care!"

„I don't pretend. I do care", Cat feels a little intimidated by Jade.

„Nevermind", Jade doesn't want to talk about it. She and Cat used to be really close and she isn't sure why it has changed in the past year. Jade barely knows how Cat is doing and what is up with her weird brother. Cat has stopped talking about him and family life, and so has Jade.

„There you are!", Beck walks up to her with Tori next to him. Jade hates it but she stays quiet. Somehow she trusts Tori, especially after what she did for her before the Platinum Music Awards.

„You know what? We saw your sister-", Tori says excitingly.

„Don't call her that!"

„Okay... Well we saw her having an argument with Shayleen."

„And? Why should I care?"
„Well, I thought you might since-"

„Wrong! I don't!", Jade takes Beck's hand and walks away. She's tired of it all, can't there be a normal day without someone reminding her of her awful family situation?

„Jade! Beck! Perfect, can you help me with something?", Sikowitz says as they enter his room.

„Sure", Beck says.

„Do we have to?", Jade adds.

„Jade climb on the ladder, but be careful it's wobbly! And Beck stand on the chair next to it."

„Why?", they both ask confused.

„It's a possible scenery for the play", Sikowitz explains and Beck and Jade do as them told. Suddenly Sinjin walks in, his head in the clouds. He isn't watching where he is going so he runs into the ladder. Jade doesn't see it coming. She falls and feels that her head has hit the floor hard. „Jade! Is everything alright?", she hears Beck yell but everything in front of her eyes is getting blurry until she looses her consciousness.

Jade slowly opens her eyes again. She looks around, she is in her room but the walls aren't black like they used to be. Their are white now.

„How did I get home?", Jade asks.

She hears steps in the hallway and the door to her room opens. „Jadelyn, don't be silly. You have to hurry or you be late to school", her dad says as he kisses her forehead. Jade must be dreaming, there is no way this is real. She gets out of bed and heads to the mirror on the wall. She still looks like herself, for a second she was worrying that she has become Katelyn. Although she looks a lot more like Katelyn now. Jade's hair is brown again, there are no colorful highlights in it and there are no piercing on her face. Jade opens her closet and finds none of her skirts nor her favorite t-shirts. She decides to wear a black skinny jeans, red doc martens and an oversized black shirt. She takes a look in mirror. She really looks like she could be Katelyn's twin, so she adds some makeup which makes her feel like herself again. Jade heads downstairs. When she enters the kitchen she sees her mom kissing her dad. It's weird, they are in one room and they aren't fighting. Her little brother sits at the table.

„What are you wearing?", Jade asks as she sees her brother in a school uniform. He usually only wears sweatpants to school.

„What are you talking about?", Jason replies, „Why are you wearing makeup?"

„Don't be silly! I am always wearing makeup to school", Jade says as she takes a coffee.

„Jadelyn, since when are you drinking coffee? You know this isn't good for you", Jade's moher says which leaves Jade in shock.

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