Chapter 4: The Calm Before The Strom

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„Good morning", Beck says when the sleeping beauty next to him opens her eyes slowly.

„Your mom made breakfast but I guess it's cold by now", Beck says.

„Why?", Jade is confused. She is the kind of person who's mind doesn't work until she had a coffee.

„It's 1 pm-"
„What? How is it that late already?"

„You were sleeping peacefully so I went downstairs to get a cup of water and than your mom came and started making breakfast. She seems fine-"

„Why shouldn't she be fine?", Jade doesn't get his point. Beck hands her a cup of coffee. The coffee is cold already but it doesn't matter.

„Because of what happened yesterday?"

„It's like after a storm, everyone is pickung up their broken pieces, fixes themselves. It's quiet and peaceful for a while now", Jade says with a smile on her face because she got her coffee.

„You're weird sometimes", Beck mocks her. Jade gives him a gently kick in response. He gets closer to her and kisses her softly.

„Oh it's almost 3! I have rehearsal for Wicked", Jade says getting out of bed and getting dressed.

„Why do you have rehearsal on a Saturday? You have just started the play. You're not even clode to the last month."

„I don't know! It's Sikowitz! He's weird."

„Fine, I'll drop you off at school and then I'll drive home", Beck explains.

„You and Andre coming to hang out with Cat and I tonight at Karaoke Dokie?"

„Sure, we should probably invite Robbie and Tori, too."

„Do we have to?"

„Yes, because we are nice people who always invite ALL their friends."
„First of all, I am not nice and second of all Tori is not my friend!"

Beck laughs while putting his arm around his girlfriend's shoulder. They both get in the car when Beck realizes Katelyn sitting on the steps in front of her house looking worried. Jade realizes what Beck is about to do when he lets his car window down.

„Don't!", Jade demands.

But it's too late already. „Do you need a ride?", Beck offers.

Katelyn rolls her eyes, she really doesn't want to be stuck with Jade in a car but she doesn't know how to get to school otherwise. So she swallows her pride and nods.

„Get it then!"

„Why would you-?", Jade starts but stops as soon as Katelyn gets into the car.

„I do not have a drivers licence yet and I don't know where my parents are they were supposed to drive me to school." Katelyn really seems to be upset about this but Jade just sees the irony in it. So she starts laughting a little. The rest of the ride noone says anything, the silence Jade was speaking of earlier.

The rehearsal goes well. Katelyn and Jade are minding their own business and they only speak to each other in their scenes. The only weird thing that happened is that Sikowitz was confused about Jade's now black hair, he was constantly asking if she ate ravensoup. Whatever this was suppose to mean? But who really gets Sikowitz anyways?

Jade, Tori and Cat are walking out of class together.

„I am so happy you decided to invite me to go with you to Karaoke Dokie because otherwise I would feel sad about this guy cancelling our date."

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