Pt:16 The News

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The next day at lunch

So where's- Jungkook startes to say but gets cut off by them coming into the lunch room Yoongi in the middle Hoseok on the right and Jimin on the left all holding hands theirs a bit of a hop in Jimin's walk. All of the three come and sit down the rest of the boys look at the three in silence shocked when they see Yoongi smiling.

  Hyung your scaring me Taehyung said in a silly way and hide behind Jungkook while laughing so why are you smiling so much anyways namjoon says well all three of us are dating now Yoongi said with a huge smile on his face Namjoons jaw dropped you took my words like that! Namjoons sputtered out yeah Yoongi says with a small nod Joon what did you say Jin says I told Yoongi Hyung that if only he could date both of them and I didn't know what to do then I said sorry then he told me I was a genius and thank you Namjoon said with a shoulder shrug.

They look back over to the three and all of them have big smiles on their faces and Yoongi grabs the two's waists and pulls them into closer Namjoon continued well I'm not disappointed or anything obviously but I just surprised you took my words like that.

There will be a dance competition taking place in 3 weeks

All the boys listened to the announcement and once it was over they all looked at each other and Jungkook pulled out his phone and marked down the date for when the dance competition was. All the sudden they heard it Sung-Hyun's voice Taehyung unconsciously scooted closer to Jungkoook all the boys at the table look over to see Sung-Hyun standing on the a table come here Taehyung Sung-Hyun said Taehyung got up and walked over to Sung-Hyun but far enough where he was out of reaching distance and it would be easy for him to run if he needed. Jungkook started to get up but Sung-Hyun was this looked over and told him to calm down .

So Taepabo why don't you join the dance competition Sung-Hyun continued we'll see I-I- I wanna s-sing not d-dance Taehyung said while looking down at his feet well most singers dance so why don't you Sung-Hyun says well I- I Taehyung then walked over to Jungkook and whispers into his ear you plan on doing it don't you that's why you wrote down the date right? Jungkook nodded his head.

    Taehyung then walked back over to we're he was standing before and looks Sung-Hyun dead in the eyes and says you know what I will, I will indeed be doing this competition I hope your ready to get your mind blown then walks back to the table and sits down and continued to eat his food.

Jungkook quickly goes and says TaeTae do you really wanna do this are you sure? N-no Taehyung stutters out while looking down Jungkook pulls Taehyung into a hug and whispers into his ear you really don't have to if you don't want to you know Taehyung picks his head up and looks Jungkook in the eyes and says I told my brother I would do it so now I need to do this so I can prove to him I'm not a wimpy little stupid kid who has no confidence Okay well I believe in you Jungkook says with a smile then pecks Taehyung on the lips.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~I'm sorry this is kinda all over the place but I also just wanted to do this I mostly just want to use a couple songs specifically then I put it into this I'm trying to not make it like the talent show so yeah🤦🏻‍♀️😂🤷🏻‍♀️🤦🏻‍♀️

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