Pt:5 The kiss

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Jungkook's POV
Class has just ended when Taehyung had started to text him he was blushing at the phone thinking of Taehyung when all of the sudden he got hit in the side of the head he looked over and saw Jimin laughing why are you blushing so much Jungkook hadn't realized how much he had been blushing until he saw himself in the reflection of his phone he quickly hide his face in his hoodie until he heard a voice it was Taehyung's voice he looked up to see Taehyung standing across the room talking to Yoongi Jungkook sighed in relief once he noticed he wasn't paying any attention to him.

But then Jimin screamed Taehyung come here! just loud enough to get everyone's attention who was still in the classroom Taehyung walked over to them and said yeah Jimin with a tilted head Jimin grabbed Taehyung by the arms and moved him so he was in front of Jungkook ,Jungkook sat up and looked at Jimin and said what are you doing! Jimin looked at Jungkook and told him to just be quiet Jungkook looked down at his lap and sat back in his chair Jimin looked at Taehyung and said is Yoongi single Taehyung looked over at Yoongi and back at Jimin with his eyes now in slits and said yeah ,yeah he is Jimin then Jimin looked at Yoongi and blew a kiss and then he looked over at Jungkook and Taehyung who were both now nervously looking around the room

Taehyung started to turn around to leave but Jimin pushed Taehyung towards Jungkook and he fell onto Jungkook which resulted in the lips crashing together both of the boys eyes went wide. Taehyung quickly got up and rubbed the back of his head while looking down at his feet and blushing then he looked back up at Jungkook and told him sorry Jungkook looked down and was blushing too But he looked up when Taehyung started talking to him all while Jimin was holding his gut laughing basically crying because he was laughing so hard after that Taehyung said bye and quickly ran after yoongi while still blushing 

Once Taehyung was out of ear shot Jungkook got up and punched Jimin in the arm why did you do that He hissed at Jimin, Jimin grabbed his stuff then as he was going to leave he turned to Jungkook blew a kiss and winked and said you'll thank me later then left that was luckily the last class so then they started to head to Jimin's car.

Jungkook got in Jimin's car and Jimin drove home Jungkook didn't have a car but Jungkook and Jimin were only a couple houses away from eachother so Jimin just always dropped him off at his house. Jungkook got home grabbed a snack then went up to his room when he looked at his phone he got a text from

Taehyung~ Hey when should I come over should I just come over now??


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