Pt:14 The Parents

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3 days later Jungkook's POV

Jungkook and Taehyung were sleeping when they felt someone start to shake them and say come on get up and they heard another voice say awe their cuddling then they heard a snap. Jungkook pushed the hand away that was shaking him and said Jimin go away then he went back to hugging Tae. Tae was half awake half asleep then both the boys heard come on That's no way to talk to your fathers Jungkook bolted up and Tae sat up too but not as fast.

Appa! Jungkook said loudly as he quickly got out of bed and hugged his dads. Taehyung's eyes got wide and he shifted uncomfortably oh yeah we haven't quite meet yet you must be Taehyung the one Jimin was telling me about well filling me in on who little Guk here likes he says while laughing Jungkook lightly punches his dad appa!! I thought I told you not to call me that around people Jungkook said while blushing anyway hi I'm Jeon Min Ki just call me Min ki but I would prefer appa and this is Jeon Mi-Kyong my husband.

     Anyways boys come downstairs we have breakfast made Ji Jin-Ho you better wash your hands Mi-Kyong yelled from the kitchen I will Pa Jungkook yelled from upstairs. Jungkook and Taehyung got downstairs and sat down and started to eat Min Ki was the one to break the silence so Taehyung ah we understand the situation Jimin filled us in and Jungkook also talked to us a bit and you can stay here as long as you need or would like to understand that okay and we will always be here for you.

    Taehyung started to tear up he looked up from his food at them and said thank you Jungkook scooted over nervously to him Taehyung noticed and looked at him and said don't worry I won't fall out of my chair again however I am still really sorry about that. Min Ki and Mi-Kyo looked at each other confused and Jungkook looked at them and said I'll explain later then Jungkook got up and hugged Taehyung who was starting to cry.

    Taehyung went upstairs to go take a shower so Jungkook went and sat on the couch with his parents to explain what had happened. Taehyung's family is very homophobic so Tae's brother Sung-Hyun tried to kill me and Tae well mostly me so that Tae's life would be miserable but Tae luckily came and saved me but while we were running away he caught up to us and Tae tried to fight him off but he was failing so I stepped in and that's how we both got our cuts I got mine on my cheek and his on his arm.

Min Ki and Mi-Kyo sat there and listened to the story in horror feeling bad for both of them once Jungkook had finished telling the story he started crying and saying please don't take him away from me it wasn't his fault this happened is was his dumb brothers Min Ki and Mi-Kyo looked at each other then back at Jungkook then the two hugged Jungkook Mi-Kyo added we know- but was cut off by Taehyung coming into the room Jungkook are you okay he asked once he saw that Jungkook was crying Jungkook got up and went and hugged Taehyung.

Jungkook looked back at his parents Mi-Kyo looked at the two and then at his husband and back at the two oh Ji Jin-Ho we could nor would ever do that too you two know that son then the two got up and hugged the two boys.
Then Min-Ki said son we know it wasn't his fault and we never would do that. Jungkook was still crying but now they were happy tears

Min-Ki looked at the three and said how about we have a movie night huh? Yeah! That sounds great Taehyung added Jungkook nodded okay sounds good I'll go make popcorn Mi-Kyo added thanks appa! Taehyung said with a boxy smile

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ I'm gonna explain the names cuz it might be confusing so Jungkooks parents names are Jeon Chang Min Ki and Jeon Mi-Kyong however Chang Min Ki will go by Appa or Min Ki or dad

     Jeon Mi-Kyong will go by Appa sometimes *tho I'm going to try to not cuz that will be even more confusing* or he will go by Mi-Kyo or Pa or Papa so yeah

    Also Mi-Kyo also calls Jungkook Ji Jin-Ho *it means golden hero, leader so I though it fit as he's the golden maknae of the group*😂 and  Min Ki calls Jungkook little Guk as his real name is Jeon Jungguk so yeah👍🏻 hope that cleared some things up 😂👌🏻👍🏻

I am currently writing about 5 stories so yeah if things start to seem a bit weird or something that's cuz I'm writing 5 3 won't be posted for quite a while tho for this story and my other one that I have published I already have quiet a few more parts written out I have like 6 more written out for this one so yeah👍🏻

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