Pt:12 The Talent Show

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At the school during lunch
Taehyung's POV

         They were all sitting at the lunch table talking and finished up their food when Taehyung saw Jungkook flinch and tense up Taehyung turned around to see Sung-Hyun walking towards them. Taehyung got up and puffed up his chest Sung-Hyun got over to them grabbed Tae's wrist and walked away Jungkook started to get up but Sung-Hyun looked over at him and said chill were just gonna talk Jungkook relaxed a little bit still was ready to run over to the two

     Sung-Hyun looked Tae and said I'm not gonna try to kill you maybe sometime later but for now I'm just gonna try to embarrass you as much as I can sadly the makeup and hair didn't work so just letting you know but you better keep that gay sh*t out of the house and if you do it at home I wouldn't hesitate to hurt you and mom and dad agree he said with a smirk. Well Sung-Hyun I'll let you know that that gay shit fun as hell Taehyung said while smirking

        Taehyung walked away and sat back down and Sung-Hyun walked the other way. Jungkook gave Taehyung a huge hug and asked what did he want Taehyung looked at Jungkook his face went soft it's nothing and I'm okay but I did let him kinda know that last night was fun he said with a smile but it quickly faded he looked up at the others the others eyes had softened Namjoon was about to say something but an announcement came over the intercom then they heard the principal next week will be the schools talent show sign up sheets are now in the office Hoseok looked around anyone wanna do it?

      I kinda wanna Hoseok added Yoongi laughed yeah right like anyone would do it with you Namjoon looked over to Hoseok what do you wanna/plan on doing? Hoseok looked at at Yoongi and Namjoon maybe we could rap or something Yoongi looked at Hoseok and fell out of his chair laughing you rapping Hoseok walked over to to Yoongi squatted next to him as he was still laughing Hoseok got close to his ear and whispered yes I can rap or are you to chicken to rap with me and if you keep laughing at me like that I'll kiss you till you drop then Hoseok got up and walked back to his seat.

     As Hoseok was leaving Yoongi went from laughing to coughing everyone was just looking at them confused as they couldn't hear them Yoongi got up from the ground and sat back in his chair and said y-yeah rapping would be g-good t-to do while not looking at Hoseok Hoseok then smiled would you and Namjoon wanna do it with me Namjoon looked at Yoongi then said sure Yoongi looked the opposite way and pouted and said sure.

    Hoseok quickly got up and grabbed Namjoon's wrist and Yoongi's hand and left for the office. Jungkook looked at Taehyung and asked why don't you sing something Taehyung looked down and blushed b- because I get super nervous and embarrassed when I sing in front of people and I've only ever sang in front of a couple people Taehyung looked back up and Jungkook his eyes were starting to tear Jungkook wiped Taehyung's tears and kissed his nose well I'm glad you sang for me you have a beautiful voice Jungkook said with a big bunny smile.

A week later

Everyone please at this time head for the Auditorium

At this time we will have Min Yoongi Kim Namjoon and Jung Hoseok up at this time and it appears they will be rapping today *a couple claps here and there*

Are you guys ready Hoseok said to the two older boys yeah but we've never heard you rap you wouldn't let us you just had us send you a script Yoongi added no you've never heard it I have Namjoon added Hoseok laughed well let's go Hoseok said as they went on to the school stage

After they were done the boys went and sat with the rest of their friends once they sat down Yoongi looked at Hoseok and said wow I didn't know you could rap sorry for doubting you Hobi Hoseok looked at Yoongi and said it's okay Yoongs at that moment Hoseok felt a pinch from behind him and he snapped around and saw Jimin with an angry expression for a minute Hoseok saw this and laughed turned back around.

A couple people later in the talent show

Now we will have the last act up Kim Sung-Hyun Jungkook and Taehyung looked at eachother weirdly then the two boys looked at the others once he got up there Sung-Hyun said I need two helpers then he looked directly at Jungkook and Taehyung he then pointed at them I need you two to come up and help me then slowly the two got up and went on to the stage and they stood next to Sung-Hyun.

Sung-Hyun then leaned into the two's ears and said if you don't do what I say then I'll kill you later or hurt you real bad. Jungkook and Taehyung looked at him and nodded nervously Sung-Hyun then walked and sat in a seat in the audience and told them to sing. Taehyung started to awkwardly sing and Jungkook stood there looking back and fourth between Taehyung and Sung-Hyun then he saw how nervous Taehyung was and how everyone was looking so he joined in and Tae relaxed a lot

Once singing Jungkook and Taehyung were lost in the moment but once done looked around and quickly went back to theirs seats.

Sung-Hyun thought to himself man I thought that would really embarrass him well at least it did for a bit. Once seated Taehyung looked at Jungkook and said I didn't know you could sing Jungkook oh well I don't know my mom made me take vocal lessons when I was young and you never asked Jungkook said as he shrugged.

    Also could I stay over at your house for a while considering my brother is well my brother Taehyung added Jungkook looked at him and said yeah sure with a bunny smile

I'm sorry I know there's a lot happening in this🤦🏻‍♀️😂 this is a bit longer I'm trying to have a little longer this is about 1028 words

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