Pt: 7 Hidding

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  The next day at school Jungkook's POV

   Jungkook and Jimin and the rest of the boys expect Taehyung we're at lunch eating quietly Yoongi was looking around and Jungkook saw and asked Yoongi why he was looking around Yoongi looked at Jungkook and said I'm looking for Taehyung Jungkook just said okay and looked down and continued to eat but then he remembered what he did yesterday when Taehyung was about to leave Jungkook looked around the lunch room real fast and he saw Taehyung coming to sit at the table and the only open spot was next to him Jungkook quickly got up and walked to the bathroom after he had left for the bathroom Taehyung sat down at the table Jimin took notice of this and also got up and headed for the bathroom too.

             Jimin got in the bathroom and saw Jungkook's feet in the only closed stall he knocked on the stall and said Jungkook what happened with Taehyung why did you freak out once he came to the table Jungkook slowly opened the stall door and looked Jimin in the eyes and said I kissed Taehyung right before he left my house and now I'm super nervous because right after I did he didn't say anything and just left Jimin's jaw dropped Wha! You kissed Taehyung Jimin started laughing Jungkook looked at Jimin and lightly punched him while blushing madly Jimin held his arm for a second then looked at Jungkook well we should get back don't want the others worrying about why you ran off Jungkook looked at Jimin.

          I don't wanna go back and face him he'll hate me Jungkook said while shuffling his feet Jimin then grabbed Jungkook's arm Jungkook then yelled at Jimin what are you doing stop it! The bathroom is just outside the lunch room won't the others look at you weirdly Jimin if they see you dragging me Jungkook said while dragging his feet Jimin looked at Jungkook and said yeah they most likely will but I don't care you should be worried about Taehyung looking at you funny when I drag you out of here and your flailing like a little baby Jimin said smirking. Then Jimin grabbed Jungkook by the arm and dragged him out of the bathroom to the table and sat him down next to Taehyung then smacked Jungkook in the head and sat down too.

     Namjoon just looked at the two and asked what happened Jimin looked at Jungkook and said someone's being a baby cause their scared. This time Jungkook looked up and smacked Jimin in the head and hissed at him to be quiet then Jungkook looked at Taehyung then blushed and lowered his head Jin looked around and said why are we focusing on him when we could be focusing on my beauty Jin said while resting his head on his hand. Namjoon laughed and kissed Jin on the cheek then continued to eat.

             They were about to leave for class but Jungkook looked at Taehyung and said hey Tae do you wanna come over to my place to finish the project Jungkook said while shuffling his feet Taehyung looked at him nervously then said yeah as long as you don't do what you did last time. Jungkook looked up at him with his mouth open ah okay I won't do it again Jungkook said nervously Okay Taehyung said then I'll see you at your house later

I know this is all over the place I'm sorry but yeah🤷🏻‍♀️enjoy i guess😂😂 but vote if u like it🤷🏻‍♀️😂

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