1 - captured

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Hello author here, welcome to the story. Hope you enjoy it. ^_^

3rd person POV

Deku opened the door to the leagues bar, wandering in he walked up to Kurogiri, ignoring the others present.

"Anyone new you want dead?" Deku asked with a cheerful tone.

Kurogiri looks at shigaraki who is clearly pissed off by Deku ignoring him at first.

"Yeah All Might" shigaraki says answering for Kurogiri.

"Try again, he isn't new to the list" Deku responded with still with a smirk

"You should kill Endeavor" chimed in a voice from across the room

"Endeavor hah, why not. This will be a fun challenge" said Deku now thinking about how he could go about killing the number 2 hero...

~Time skip brought to you by me writing this at 1~ ~am~

Deku got to his hide-out, (which was just a apartment but he calls it his supper secret villain hideout).

Sharping his knives Deku kept thinking about how he can kill the number 2 hero. After reviewing some great options like putting poison in his food or boiling him alive Deku settle on going for a sneak attack. This would not only catch him off guard but also give him the chance to kill him with one shot, and one shot was all he needed.

Deku tracked Endeavor for weeks, just preparing for the perfect time to strike, also figuring out his schedule.

Deku made a date and decided that tomorrow was going to be the day he killed endeavor.

~time skip to the next morning~

Deku woke up the next morning at about 7 am. Knowing the streets that Endeavor patrols today (Thursday), Deku behind a building, back pressed against the wall, gripping the knife with all his strength.

Dekus pov

I can hear the heavy footsteps of the hero coming steadily closer.

Taking a deep breath I jump out from behind the building surprising endeavor, or so I thought. He quickly stepped back and missed the blade completely. He grabbed my arm while he activated his quirk burning his hand-print into my arm.

Knowing he has a tight grip on me I use that to my advantage and using his hold on me as a source of power run up him and end up doing a flip breaking his grip on me in the process.

I stand my ground and get out another knife so I now had one I each hand. I lunge at the number 2 hero and manage to get several slices in before I had to pull away so I didn't end up with too many burn scars.

Before I knew it I was surrounded by a ring of fire so I can't run, with Endeavor slowly walking towards me. I get into a fighting stance ready to fight some more. I started to adjust my grip on the knives so I could throw them at endeavor, but I started feeling really hot and dehydrated.


with the fire around me I'm sweating too much causing me to not be able to fight as well as I could at full strength.


I need to end this fight quick, before I'm immobilized.

I know I'm going to collapse soon from heat exhaustion so with the power I have left I grab a third and forth knife from my sleeve and throw all for of them at endeavor.

I aimed for his throat, heart and legs. I collapse on my knees and fall to the ground. I was slowly going unconscious, I peek through my eyes and see Endeavor fall to the ground next to me as the metallic sent of blood filled my nostril, with that I passed out.

Random bystanders POV

I was walking home from a rough day at work, John was made employee of the month instead of me, I do twice the work he does. Damm this world is unfair. I turn the corner and nearly trip. I looked down to see what almost tipped me and I see..

oh god what do I do??
I decide to call the cops because what else am I supposed to do in this situation. Eventually the cops pull up and put the other kid that was also knocked out in a stretcher and take him in a ambulance. They also put Endeavor in a ambulance and do there medical stuff on him. Man this day sure went from boring old Thursday to seeing a nearly dead pro hero. Life throws so many curveballs.

Deku's POV

I slowly start to open my eyes, but squint at how bright it is and try to lift my arms to cover my eyes.

Key word is try

As I try and lift my arms they won't budge. This quickly made me get over the brightness and I tried to sit up but to no avail. I started looking at my restraints. There are 2 straps holding my legs down to a bed, 2 straps holding my chest down and what feels to be rope tying my hands to the headboard of the bed. It seems like a twin size bed with white sheets. The room doesn't look like a hospital room tho.

Then someone coughed and I looked to see who made that noise. Across the room stood 5 adults 2 of them I knew of, or at least have noticed before, the other 2 I had no idea, and one of them was All Might himself.

"So you just going to stand there and stair or are you going to say something" I said after far to long of awkward silence.

"Ah yes I think we've waited long enough, I'm Nezu the principal of UA Academy. This detective here would like to ask you some questions if you don't mind."

"I'll answer only if you undo these restraints, I don't think I can answer properly if I'm tied down." I just really don't like being immobilized.

The bear? Mouse? Whatever it is, responded by saying "we will let you out of the restraints only if you promise that you won't try anything, do you promise?"

"Sure, I promise"

"Ok in that case" the bear thing looked at another person in the room, his hair was a black tangled mess and he looked like he hadn't slept in the last week. "Aizawa, let him free from your scarf"

SCARF? I was in a scarf? This rope was too strong to be a scarf. But sure enough the person the bear called Aizawa nodded and undid the restraints.

I sit up stretching my arms and legs a bit. I look up from my wrists and say "ok what questions do you have for me?"

Word count: 1198

I hoped you enjoyed the chapter. If there's anything you are confused about in the story please comment something so that I can respond and then you won't be confused and I can fix the story so that no one else is confused. It's a win win. I will wright when I can so I don't really have a upload schedule.
- the author (aka: gern)

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