Chapter 15

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Nakul stood there, paralysed with fear. The MOSSAD agents pointing guns at him and he could see their back-up, a sniper perched on top of a tower nearby to shoot Nakul or worse, Rachel if he did something stupid.

One of the MOSSAD agents swung his hand, aiming the handle of his gun at Nakul's forehead. Nakul ducked, his instincts taking over and he gave a return square punch in the man's gut. The other agent tried to shoot at Nakul but he brought the agent he had hit in the gut in front of him, making him a human shield. The MOSSAD agent shot one of his own, 2-3 pistol bullets piercing his stomach and a big bullet banged straight in his forehead.

Nakul threw the dead man aside, rolled on the floor and took out his 9mm pistol in his sock. He shot the MOSSAD agent who was trying to point his gun at Rachel in the arm and grabbed Rachel. As he held Rachel by the arm and ran down the lane, bullets whizzed past them. Rachel had frozen. Nakul varied his speed and with him, Rachel's speed varied too. The varying speed from time to time and abrupt stops had made it very much difficult for the sniper who had to calculate the angle of the gun at each moment. Nakul headed towards a crowd, knowing they would be hard to spot in a mob.

As soon as they mixed with the crowd, they slowed down. The crowd was evacuating and so were they. Rachel looked in disbelief at Nakul, unable to utter a word. Nakul soaked it all in. He looked at Rachel in a black top and everyday blue jeans, cut just a bit at the knee indicating fashion. Her red hair curled up in a messy bun. Her eyes, wide-open thinking about what had just happened.

A mile away, The Five stood. Their eyes, wide open in disbelief of whatever had just happened. Nakul could never hurt the innocent. Especially for just a few green notes. Or so they thought.

"I'll tell you everything on our way out of this place" Nakul reassured, "Just grab your stuff and meet me at the restaurant we went to earlier."

Rachel looked bewildered even at the thought of Nakul believing that she would trust him again after what just happened.

"I know you don't want to believe and trust me again but you have no option left. They have your face and they will come after you. Your only safe bet is with me. I know now is not the right time but I am asking you to trust me one last time."

Rachel left in a hurry, not believing what she had got herself stuck into.

Within an hour, Rachel was outside of the main entrance of the restaurant waiting with a duffel bag hung on her shoulder.

Nakul drove over in an open roof blue Corvette and stopped at the entrance, lowered his sunglasses just a little bit and shakes his head, indicating Rachel to come in.

"So Nakul, or whatever your real name is. Explanation. Now."

"First put on the seatbelt and make yourself comfortable. This is gonna be a long ride."

"Where the hell are we going, young man?" Asked Rachel, angrily.

"We are gonna roam through Europe for God's sake. Why the hell do you think I'd hitch such an expensive car from my savings?"

"Who funded you earlier than, Nakul? And who exactly is coming after us?"

"The Indian government-funded me, Rachel. And for the people after us, they're RAW and MOSSAD. The Indian and Israeli Intel agencies."

"What the hell did you do" yelled Rachel but her yell was swallowed in sirens coming for afar.

Nakul started the car and the roar of the engine filled the air as they sped away.

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