Chapter 10: Vile Virus- it's not food

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"Please no. Stop asking about eating Vile Virus; it's not food." Andy was pleading with the Morric

who just so happens to be called Gorric.

Gorric couldn't stop babbling about food. "Shiny food is the best, like watermelon. Oh, how

about grapes or shiny apples! Dull food isn't as good, but some things are. Like cookies, those

are not shiny, but they sure are tasty! Oh, and how about aluminum foil! Now that is a shiny

piece of yummy food!" Gorric words were bubbling out so fast Andy couldn't get a word in.

"Wait, aluminum foil isn't a food. That is trash. Which is what I am trying to tell you!" Andy was

pleading loudly.

"Trash? What is trash?" Gorric stopped bubbling and returned to the task at hand.

"Vile Virus is a company up the road that moved in a couple summers ago. My parents are always

talking about it with the neighbors. The company doesn't care about where they dump their

trash. They have ruined this entire side of the beach. "Almost three football fields worth of trash;

and growing!" Andy explained quickly. Gorric nodded (well his eyes did). Andy still never saw

what Gorric truly looked like. But Gorric's eyes were still uneven and burning orange.

"Well that makes sense, that is the distance of Zorric to Shelph and maybe half of Gulfio! That is

a big foot!"

Andy furrowed his brow confused, then he understood. "Oh, football is a sport, not someone's


Gorric giggled. "That's a funny name for a game. We play too. Us Morrics play Tork. It's a shiny

good time." He rippled the sand like it was a puddle of pudding. He continued, "So don't you

humans have other humans who make sure bad humans don't do bad things?" He asked


"What? Oh, you mean police!" Andy was on the same page now. "Yes, many people that live

around here have called the police, but I don't think they can prove it is Vile Virus." Andy was

getting nervous that his parents would be worried about his long absence. "I've gotta get going

soon, I am sorry. Can I talk with you tomorrow?" Andy got up slowly, wiping sand away.

"Well, I hope so. We have to think about a way to get rid of this virus and I think we are the only

two who can!" Gorric sounded excited.

"Great I will be out making my sandcastle in the morning; how about then?" Andy was thinking

about how early he could wake up without making his mother suspicious.

"Oh no, not during light time. Morrics toot all night and snuggle during the light time. How about

around dusk, same spot as this? I can't get caught talking to a human. My kind would never

forget and I'd be banished to the Mounds." Gorric's eyes were worried now.

"Don't worry we can meet here around dusk. Wait what are the Mounds?" Andy was standing up

ready to go.

"Us Morrics have our secrets. Goodnight, Human Andy; it was great speaking with you and of

course talking about food." And with that last awkward sentence Gorric the Morric from the land

of Zorric winked at him and then he was gone as quick as a bubble burst.

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