Chapter 1: Morrics

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In these pages lies a great secret. Can you handle secrets? If so, keep reading. Do not let this tale

go unread. So, without further delay, once upon a time...NO! Sorry, this tale is too important for

that opening line. Let me try again.

To hear the tale of Gorric you'll first need to understand that he is a Morric. How in the world do

you say that? Here, let's try it this way- more and then rick. Got it? Okay. Then next question I bet

you're asking: what is a Morric? Well that is a good question. Nay, a great question! No one has

ever seen a Morric before. The closest anyone has ever come to a Morric was being sprayed in

the face with sand. Rude, I know! Some claim to have seen an uneven orange pair of big eyes.

Not scary, more soft and sweet, with a hint of sneak. They live in the oceans, seas, rivers, and

estuaries of the world. Morrics are full of mystery and mischief; that's why they need Gorric. He

is the leader of all the Morrics. Currently he makes sure all the Morrics keep to their tasks, which

are extremely important. Gorric, however, was not always the leader of all the Morrics in the

land of Zorric. He earned this position by saving Zorric and the whole ocean! We will get to that

shortly. I encourage you to keep reading; let us learn more about Morrics and sandcastles.

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