Chapter 3: Production Facts

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Have you ever walked on the beach? Please tell me you nodded or said an audible "OF COURSE"

because if not, once again I will tell you to give it a go. If you have, then you'll know exactly what

sea foam is, right? Sea foam - the gift of bubbles? Not quite. Sea foam is the gift of Morric toots,

farts, flatulence, breaking wind... FARTS! Yes, I am telling you the truth, farts. But they like to

refer to their sea foam farts as spume (spyo͞om). Now your farts are probably stinky or smelly,

but that is not at all the same as Morric farts or rather spume. Okay. So, before you get grossed

out and stop reading, have you ever eaten honey? Well, if you said yes then you should know

that honey is bee vomit - yummy. So there, now let us continue. Morric spume can do many

things, from cleaning the sand for more castles to be built, to curing different creatures of the

ocean! What type of creatures? All of them! From fish, turtles, jellies, whales, and sharks. What

sea creatures can you name? I bet you did not think of mermaids (also known as sirens). Or how

about mermen? Once, sea foam saved a merman when he was on his last breath! But that tale is

told in another book. Now before you roll your narrow little eyeballs and shake your head so

hard that your hair whips your eyes and stings them, take a moment. Just because you can't see

something doesn't mean it doesn't exist. Answer me this: can you see the wind? Have you

actually seen an atom? Or how about your own brain? I didn't think so! Gorric the Morric is in

charge of all Morrics' castle and spume production. But it wasn't always his job. Let me begin

with the first telling of the tale of Gorric the Morric and the Fate of Spume.

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