Operation P

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"Aunt Lauren, when Uncle Vernon proposed to you, what was it like?" I question.

"The day your Uncle Vernon proposed to me... we went out to a restaurant in Port Jefferson that was not too upscale or too tacky. It was actually by the docks in July 14, 2003. We ate steak for dinner and we ordered dessert, in which we were sharing a flourless chocolate cake sprinkled with confectionery sugar and a single raspberry placed on the center of the cake. Inside the cake was a rich chocolate sauce. I went to the ladies restroom and when I went back to our table, I noticed the writing on the plate that contained four words and fourteen letters. It was that moment when your Uncle Vernon got down on one knee and revealed a beautiful princess cut ring in a small box, asking me the same question from the dish. After two years of our courtship, I said yes and the following year, we tied the knot." Aunt Lauren tells.

"That sounds nice" I slowly.

"Why did you ask me about your Uncle Vernon proposing to me?" Aunt Lauren queries.

"Because I want to show you something." I head towards my master bedroom, making my way to the drawer and I pull the top drawer open to find my latest possession. I return to the living room.

"This is it." I hand Aunt Lauren the small box. She opens the box reluctantly as if she's taking a sneak peek at a diary. She opens it ever so gingerly just as she lets out this deep exhalation that matches with her eyes growing big.

"Blake! Oh, my goodness! Are you--" 

"Yes, I am." I nod before Aunt Lauren pulls me in her arms for a big hug. "Finally!" She chuckles. "When are you going to pop the question?"

"On Valentine's Day." I answer.

"That's next Friday! Do you need our advice of how you would propose to Kehlani?" Aunt Lauren offers.

I consider on the thought, but it could be helpful to take their advice. "I'm interested."

"When you ask Kehlani to marry you, don't do any of those over-the-top marriage proposals, especially bungee jumping. That could actually kill you just like it killed Trevor in the Fresh Prince of Bel-Air." Aunt Lauren warns.

"Bungee jumping is most certainly a no-no." I reply.

"Did you Google search marriage proposal ideas? You could bring the restaurant to your home and have the rose petals sprinkled as it is leading Kehlani to the table."

"When your father proposed to me, we were playing Scrabble on a rainy right." My mom speaks after she opens the bathroom door. How did she came in?

"Mom, I didn't hear you come in." I say.

"That's because I went to use the bathroom and you need a room spray because your bathroom smells musky."

"I see that and that's my signature scent." I reason.

"Are you and Aunt Lauren talking about firing the question with four words?" Mom queries, anticipating like a kid asking their parents to go on a roller-coaster.

"That's right," I smile proudly.

"About damn time!" Mom chuckles content as she opens hers arms, walking towards me and encloses both arms around me. I wrap my arms around my mom's back.

"You guys have been together for so long and it is finally happening! We're proud of you for finally asking a true lucky girl to spend the rest of her life with you. Your brother and your sisters as well as your father, aunts, uncles, and I already knew there were never sparks in your previous marriage because your first love holds a special place in your heart. Real love never puts you down; it is the dedication to a cause, the willingness to fight for and protect what you have with Kehlani. And it is also meeting each other's expectations and loving each other with trust, acceptance, support, and treating one another with respect that is deserved because you view them in a loving manner."

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