Wedding Hunters

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"Yo, did you guys hear the news?" Chaiza queries as disbelief laces her voice.

"Yeah, we just found out." I reply.

"All of the schools are closed, especially almost every business are closed because of the virus. Except the grocery stores and Family Dollar," Key jumps in. "Now, they want everybody to wear a face mask whenever we enter the store to prevent spreading the disease."

"Even the airports are closed, too! We were supposed to go to the Poconos for our honeymoon and I know how my wife doesn't like getting on planes, so we were going to drive there only to discover it's closed as well." Cousin Steven sighs heavily and buries his face in his heads.

"It's alright, my love." Chaiza comforts my Cousin Steven by running her hand up and down Cousin Steven's shoulder reassuringly.

"Babe, I've been planning our honeymoon for two years and all of a sudden, something like this happens!"

"I'm upset, too and just because the pandemic cancelled our plans, it doesn't mean that we can't have a honeymoon at our home." Chaiza counsels. Cousin Steven lifts his head from his hands and slowly turns to make straight eye contact with seconds before his face morphs into an encouraging, optimistic, and lustful expression. He then jumps out of his seat and takes off running like the wind, catching Chaiza, Key, and I by surprise because of his incredible speed.

"Well, then!" Chaiza snickers abruptly as Key and I guffaw.

"Keke, I wanna say thank you and Blake as well as the kids and your family for for being there for us."

"As always," Key responds with an acknowledging grin.

"And thank you so, so, so much for not bringing up the whole Barbie situation like my Cousin Carolina did."

"It's no biggie, girl." Key states.

"It made me wanna get up and beat her ass up, but I couldn't because I didn't wanna fight in front of the kids. But the next time I see her and this pandemic is winding down, I'ma beat her ass. Because she has no business bringing up the fact I used to put a Ken doll on top of Barbie to make them look like they were knocking boots in their playhouse. I mean, damn! I know I'm a freak, but I'm a monogamous freak when it comes to my husband." Chaiza states with no filter. As much as I love my cousins especially Cousin Chaiza, I don't feel really comfortable about my cousins talking about their sex lives.

"Yeah, she must be drunk." Key assumes.

"Oh, she was!" Chaiza scoffs. "Enough about me, how's your wedding planning progress going?"

I inhale and exhale as I run my hand over my hair. "Well, my Uncle Mike and Aunt Savannah are back in Pennsylvania just in time before the Coronavirus outbreak. However, that doesn't stop them from planning our wedding virtually."

"Totally," Key concurs. "We already customized our wedding website, I got jewelry insurance for my engagement ring, we made up our guest list, began our checklist, looked up inspiration on Pinterest along with researching the vendors and venues. The only thing that we're considering on is the budget."

"Here's my advice to you both; create a budget and stick to it. I know talk is cheap, but as long as the two of you set up a budget that is comfortable for your wedding and stick to it, then you're both Gucci! Also, choose an off-peak wedding date because the off-peak seasons are more affordable and it helps you save money. There are websites that'll tell you what months are considered as on-peak or off-peak months and it's best recommended not to get married on a Saturday."

The Personal Trainer's Bride {Interracial Curvy Romance}Where stories live. Discover now