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This has mentions of religion. I wrote this down because I grew up in a religious household and I base the reader off of myself in some ways. The information I wrote down is based off of Baptism so I'm sorry if you can't relate or know the information. I just make a mention to Adam and Eve basically. 

I stopped writing/getting inspiration since I got my switch two days ago 😬. Dont worry tho I'll probably gain it back once I go on the app again.

((Y/n)'s p.o.v)

I couldn't help find the entire situation I was in to be hilarious. I mean I learned that demons and angels actually exist. Not only that but to add frosting to the cake was that I now stayed in a house with 7 demon brothers, all names being a variant of the Devil himself. I grew up in a religious household so the fact is if my family knows where I am at the second they'd be scared shitless. 

I only knew the names Satan and Lucifer so I just assumed that the other brother's name also stood for the same thing. I couldn't believe these brother's were supposed to be evil and be out to get all of man kind. I do know that they aren't harmless and wouldn't hesitate to kill someone but I saw a different side of them and I knew they weren't completely evil like it read in the Bible. They somewhat had a kind heart.

At the moment  I was in my room playing songs on my D.D.D. while reading. I was currently more focused on the song due to the fact it was one of my favorites. I quietly sung out loud to myself while just staring blankly at the pages of the book. I was singing terribly might I add for the fact was I couldn't sing too (high/low) so my voice would crack but I just laughed it off in my head.

I was silenced by a gentle knock on my door and the soft voice of Satan speaking on the other side of the door, "May I enter (y/n)?" 

"Of course, come in," I responded, a smile adorning my face automatically. I couldn't help it, I may have gained a small crush on the blonde. I also found this ironic, for I fell for the supposed evil that ruined man kind's innocence. 

Satan entered my room with a kind smile. "I was just wondering if you wanted to watch that one drama I mentioned to you earlier with me," Satan offered. "They are having a merathon of 'A Beacon in The Dark'." I nodded closing the book I held and turning off the music that was still playing. He turned on my t.v. quickly switching to the right channel. He then sat down next to me. I proceeded to make two backrests with pillows and blankets behind our backs. 

"You want a blanket?" I asked as I watch Satan slowly get comfortable with what I set up. He seemed to think about before shaking his head. "Your loss," I mumbled grabbing a blanket for me and also getting relaxed. He sat somewhat close which felt weirdly intimate to me but I keep that thought in the back of my head since I'm extremely awkward towards any guy. Yet that doesn't change the romantic possibilities to pop in my head at what could happen. That tends to happen when I get a crush, yet the feelings I felt for Satan seemed stronger and lasted longer than any other crush I had. I didn't want to assume that I loved him just yet though, I mean he didn't seem to show much interest in me in that way. 

Satan noticed my zoned out state as I felt his gaze on me. I looked over to him only to meet his emerald green eyes. I blushed slightly and moved my gaze to his ear, for eye contact was never my thing. 

"Are you alright? You seem out of it," Satan asked with concern lacing his tone. 

"I'm fine,  just thinking," I responded with a small smile, looking back towards the t.v. 

"And what might you be thinking about?" He asked, continuing the conversation. 

"U-uh," I stammered not knowing what lie I should tell, I didn't want him to think of me as weird and creepy for thinking of cuddling him. He started to chuckle a smirk making its way onto his lips, which made me feel many feelings. Some of those feelings being fear and to run away, yet it also was slightly alluring and...sexy. 

Then Satan proceeded to wrap his arms around my small figure pulling my back to rest upon his chest closing the space between us. I could feel my face burst into flames, not used to being in the situation I was currently. It didn't help that I had strong feelings for him. I felt tense at first, but after I was just focusing on the show instead of the loud beating of my heart I started to relax into his touch. I felt him start to play with my hair which is a new sensation I wished I felt earlier. I involuntarily hummed as his hand slipped gently through my hair. 

For the first time my mind wasn't racing. I felt a calm wash over me and I can't remember the last time I felt this peaceful. We both just laid there watching the drama while cuddling. I honestly couldn't believe one of the various romantic scenarios that roamed in my head became a reality. It was late and we were only on episode 10 when I felt like I was going to drift of to sleep. Yet I found myself trying to stay up not wanting to make Satan feel like he had to stay with me tonight, the thought alone made me blush. 

"Mmm Satan I'm tired," I spoke out with a small yawn. I then tried to get out of his grip only to be dragged back. 

"Then rest," He whispered into my ear making me flustered. Yet I felt drowsy so I went against my better judgment and closed my eyes. I heard the t.v. shut off and felt Satan adjust so he was more comfortable. I also adjusted myself to lay face down wrapping my arms around his torso. I felt my mind go blank as I drifted off to sleep, yet before I completely fell asleep I heard Satan say something that made my heart swell.

"I do hope you know that I'm quiet fond of you."


[Word count: 1,074]

[Published May 30, 2020]

𝒩𝑒𝓍𝓉 𝓊𝓅 𝒾𝓈 𝒮𝒾𝓂𝑒𝑜𝓃~

Okay so like I noticed I always end up writing in patterns, I tend to repeat certain words and endings and I'm doing both. I swear the next one shot won't end with the reader sleeping. 

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