❧𝐋𝐮𝐜𝐢𝐟𝐞𝐫 [Pt. 2]

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korrsette  requested me to make this in Febuary so I came back to make this one for them cause I totally forgot.

((Y/n)'s p.o.v)
"Do you have everything you need Luci?" I asked as he was nearly finished packing his bags.

"Yes dear," Lucifer replied.

Lucifer had to leave to the human world for Lord Diavolo today and I was making sure I would see him off. Somewhat surprisingly Lucifer decided to have Satan and I watch over the others (Lucifer telling me to watch over Satan as well). If Lucifer was the dad then I was certainly the mom. The brothers respected me and they tended to listen to what I had to say. Plus I had a knack for ending arguments before they got too out of hand.

"Make sure Beel doesn't raid the fridge," Lucifer said, going over the list he made me. "And don't forget to write down if they do anything wrong."

"Don't worry," I smiled trying to reassure him. "You're brothers are sweet...at least towards me." With that I gave Lucifer a peck on the lips and he was on his way. He was reluctant but he couldn't say no to Diavolo, which I don't blame him.

Yet right as Lucifer left Mammon was already acting suspicious. I was sitting in the common room and Mammon was sneaking about like he was going to do something that would get him in trouble.

"Hey Mammon what's up?" I asked as I gave him a smile.

"Nothin's up!" He exclaimed like he was caught in the act...which he kinda was. "Not doin nothin wrong..."

I raised an eyebrow, "Do you want to watch this show with me then?"

"A-ah you see...I'm uh...busy," Mammon said stumbling over his words.

"But you just said you weren't doing anything," I said with a pout. "If you don't want to hang out with me then you can just say so."

"TH-THAT'S NOT IT!" He panicked and I tried to hide a my smirk. "I just...I-uh...wh-what show?"

"Beacon of darkness or something like that," I replied. "Satan recommended it to me."

And with that, Mammon joined me. One brother not making trouble, check.


"Asmo, are you planning on going out?" I asked as I noticed that his makeup was done up more than usual.

It was currently dinner and I'm doing as Lucifer asked. Making sure no one sneaks out past the curfew and to do a surprise room inspection tonight.

"I was hoping you'd allow me to go to this party," Asmo said with accompanied puppy dog eyes.

"You know I can't," I replied with a sigh.

"Yeah that's not fair," Mammon complained. "If Asmo get's to go out tonight I want to as well!"

"You're a scum bag who'd get in trouble," Asmo said rolling his eyes. "I wouldn't do anything to get dear (n/n) in trouble."

"It doesn't work like that Asmo," I said with a shake of my head. "If you go out I have to allow everyone else to as well."

"(Y/n) is correct," Satan said with a nod.

"No fun," Asmo pouted. Yet that was the end of that conversation.

Two brothers not making trouble, check.


I knocked on Satan's door, him being the last room I have to check.

"Surprise inspection~" I chirped out. Satan opened the door and shook his head.

"I still don't see how you like Lucifer so much," He said. "But I respect you so I won't fully question it."

A small grin made it way onto my lips, "It's okay Satan, I know your relationship with him is strained."

He let me enter his room and I glanced around. It was messy with books everywhere but so far so good. But Lucifer let me know that Satan tends to hide a kitten or two so I should check more thoroughly. Honestly, I didn't see the harm in Satan keeping a pet as long as they don't make a mess. Plus Satan knows how to take care of an animal.

I took a peak in his closet. I felt bad going through his things like this. It felt like I was invading his privacy. All of a sudden I heard a tiny 'meow~'. I looked back at Satan and he held his head down. Looking back down at the kitten in the closet I couldn't help but coo at it. I picked it up and have it lots of pets and it rubbed its head against mine.

"I know I shouldn't do this..." I said trailing off. "But I don't see the harm in letting this slide...but only if I can come back and play with it tomorrow."

Satan let out a chuckle, "This is why I respect you more than Lucifer."

Three brothers not making trouble, check.


"How could you!?!" I heard the shout of Levi as I was currently in Satan's room petting his kitten. I let out a sigh and rushed to the kitchen where I first heard the shout.

There stood Levi and Beel, Beel looking guilty. Uh oh...

"That was a special Ruri-chan cupcake!" Levi continued to shout. "It was obviously mine! This is so not fairrrrr."

"Levi," I spoke up. "I'll buy you another one okay? You know Beel can't help it when it comes to his apatite."

"But it's going to take so looooong," Levi continued to whine.

"So you're not willing to wait for Ruri-chan?" I asked out, tilting my head.

"I-I-I never said that!" He exclaimed, his eyes wide.

"So you won't mind waiting a little longer for that cupcake?" I asked.

"...no," Levi mumbled. "Anything for Ruri-chan."

I beamed at him, "Great, now please apologize to Beel, he didn't mean to make you angry."

"D-do-" Levi cut himself off at my pointed stare. "Sorry Beel, I know you didn't mean to."

"I'm sorry too," Beel said with a frown. "I didn't know that was a special cupcake."

Five brothers not making trouble, check.


Belphie choose not to try anything...which was kinda surprising. I guess he didn't have Lucifer to try something on.

So when Lucifer came back everything was in check. He was surprised that I hadn't written anything and that his brothers decided to not make any trouble.

"You truly are something," Lucifer said. "You didn't go too easy on them did you?"

"Of course not," I said with a pout. "I'm just that good at taking care of your brothers...not that they were that hard to take care of."

"Thank you (y/n)," Lucifer said putting a hand on my cheek. "I'll be sure to reward you accordingly." A seductive smirk rested on his face and I couldn't help but feel flustered.


[Word count: 1k]

[Published: April 25th, 2021]

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