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My Alien Lover is officially completed now, Thank you for the endless support... You all inspired me to finish this books, I love you all so much!!

I'll make the next fanfic next time, I'll probably make Jimin or Jungkook :> I'll finish maknae line first hihi.

Thank you again for being with me though this journey, I went from so much challenge and also a moment where I want to give up with this book but because of you, I continue it... Even if maybe I only have 1 reader lol.

Please continue supporting other authors too, may God bless you all... I hope you all a happy life, also please stay safe and healthy always... If you need a friend to talk to, don't hesitate to message me, I'll promise to respond to all of you.

Also if you have a bts fanfic please do recommend it to me so I can support you. I want to make you feel the happinesses I'm experiencing right now. Comment your book so I can vote and also comment!

Again thank you all so much! See you all in the next book!

My Alien Lover [COMPLETED]
13th of June 2020

My Alien Lover ||KTH ✓Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant