Chapter 11 ~~•My Alien Lover

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XI- Camp Madness 2

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XI- Camp Madness 2


"Cypress University and Piperville University will be Team 2." The organizer announced.

That means we will team up with them.

"Today we will have the game, it is the Survival game..." Said by the Announcer.

Everyone is waiting for the explanation.

"This game is to survive at the best you can, you need to execute the other team or your enemy, the first and second place will get a price."

Everyone cheered, well it seems exciting.

"For the groupings, in one group it will consist of two person in each school of your team." The organizer added.

So it means that I need to find a partner...

"Let's stick together Y/n!" I heard Yammy.

"Of cou--" Before I can finish my words, Taehyung interrupt.

"No Y/n is partnering with me." Our jaw dropped when the alien talked.

"Oh sure, just like what I said." Yammy nervously laugh and leave.

I gave her a puppy eyes, pleading her to be with me but she just gave me a 'rest in peace' look.

I forgot to tell you that me and Taehyung are okay now so he has the guts again to make fun of me.

"Stay close to me so I can protect you."  he whispered to me, it makes me shivers.

"Oh o-okay." Why do I always feel nervous when he's close to me!?


"Here's the gun." I catch the gun which Taehyung threw to me.

I examine it, and I found out it's a toy, but it looks so real!!

The bullets are weird though.

Instead of the small bullets, it contains a medium size ball with pink color.

"That ball will paint your clothes pink when you are hit, I got you a pink one while I have blue." He happily raised his gun.

"Thank you." I tried not to smile, but eventually failed.

"Are you ready?" He ask.

"Yep." I replied.

He took my hand which gives me electricity in my whole body and we went outside the tent.

"Are you ready for this? (Zimzalabim jk)." Odette asked if we are ready.

"Ne!" We all said in unison.

"Okay, let's eliminate some schools." She smirked.

She start to walk and we followed her, it looks like we're a gangster in an action movie who's ready to fight but with a...... Toy guns.

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