Chapter 24 A~~• My Alien Lover

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XXIV- The Truth Untold A

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XXIV- The Truth Untold A


"Y/n is Lee Yumi!" Themis came closer to me.

"Impossible." Jungkook muttered.

"It's possible! Look at the picture! This is her!" Themis pointed at the the picture.

"Themis that's not me--"

"Shut up! We believed you that you're not her then I will find this picture with your face on it!!?"

"I thought you don't remember." Taehyung faced me.

"I don't okay! I don't! And that's not me!"

"Don't lie again Y/n or should I say Yumi." Five crossed his arms.

"I just said I am not on the picture!!!that's my Grandma!" I yelled in frustration.

They seem to stop on their tracks and stare at me.

"Y-your G-grandma??" Themis blink two times.

"Y/n is it true??" Taehyung hold my face.

I nodded,  I don't know about it and I never thought my grandma being Yumi since she's to pure and I love her so much so I never doubt her, but why didn't I think of her? I Inherited this face of her and I didn't even think that maybe there's a chance that she is Lee Yumi!!

"Then let's see her Grandma!" Jungkook excitedly said.

"No,  it's too risky and beside we don't know if her grandma is really Lee Yumi since we don't know if this guy here is the reason why Lee Yumi left our planet." Five disagree.

"Five! This is our hope! Everyone of us, if we find out who the true Yumi, Y/n will be free and happy!"Themis asked hopeful.

"If that happens, that means Sev-- Taehyung will be charge, he will be banished!" Said Five.

"Wait banished!?" I asked him,  why would he get banished? I thought he will only get lock up??

"Y/n you know Aliens and Human are not allowed to be together." Five looked away.

I faced Taehyung,  "Please don't sacrifice yourself for me."

"Don't worry they will never get to come close to me,  don't worry about it...I'll be in charge of it." Taehyung hug me.

"You can't be the only one to decide in this relationship, please save yourself it's still not too late." I hug him back.

"Don't worry I'll handle that."He whispered on my ear.

"Five,  We need to meet Y/n's grandmother!" Themis faced her.

"What if we're wrong, it's too much risk...if it happens that she's not, she will know about us!" Five massage his forehead.

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