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"Yejin, do not worry. Your mother will figure it out and get you back home." Mr. Min said as he watched her come downstairs. Yejin just looked at him and smiled. She didn't know what to call him or her mother. It was like she knew them, but she doesn't know them. They didn't raise her or take care of her, they raised and took care of the other her.

"I know it'll be weird to call us mom and you can call us Mr. and Mrs. Min if that makes you more comfortable. Or auntie and uncle. Anything that makes you comfortable." Mr. Min said, handing her her breakfast. Yejin took it in respect and left the house, her head down. She refused to take the car,so she ran to school.

"Woah, you gettin' ready for a marathon or something?" Bora joked. Yejin chuckled, "No. I just felt like getting some exercise in for today." she lied. If she was going to be stuck in a world like this, she might as well pretend to be from the world. Bora put her arm around Yejin's shoulder, "C'mon, let's meet up with the other girls." She followed Bora to the back of the school, where there was a group of girls smoking. Yejin cocked a brow, hesitant to go any closer to them.

"You want a hit, Yejin?"
"Um, no, thank you." Yejin denied, waving her hand at them. The girl who offered shrugged and inhaled the smoke.

The first bell rang and Yejin was out of their sight. Turns out she couldn't blend in as well as she would like. Quickly, heading up to her locker to grab her textbooks, just to remember she didn't have math first anymore, she dug through her locker for the actual class she had.

She was late, for a couple seconds only. But the teacher seemed to be a little upset with her being late. She just smiled and went to the back of the room, where her seat was and where Jimin sat. She walked over and smiled at him. He smiled back, but he was still hesitant.

"Alright, today, we will be starting on a project. You guys can choose your own partners, and I will have a list up here of the topics you guys can pick from. I will give everyone five minutes to find partners and choose a topic."


Yejin walked down the street, eyeing Jungkook on the other side of the street next to her. She smiled and rushed over to him, "Hey, Jungkook." He jumped, "What are you going to do now?" he questioned, his tone was sadness. He had given up on running away from her tormenting and learned to live with it. Yejin frowned and her brows knitted together, "Is something wrong?"
Jungkook looked at her, "You really don't know? You torment me everyday. I was surprised you even thought my locker was yours yesterday. I thought you were playing around just to do something." Jungkook scoffed. Taken aback, Yejin opened her mouth to say something, but he interrupted her, "You also left me alone today. I guess right now you're going to make up for yesterday and today, huh."
"N-no, Jungkook, I'm n-"
"Save it. Hit me, kick me, do something and get it over with."

The anger came through his voice perfectly clear. He was mad. But she didn't know why. All she knew was she does to him when he does to her in her world. And she felt horrible inside. The girl stepped back, running away to the park she and Jungkook always hung out at in her world. She sat on the bench they always sat on and stared at the playground and the trees behind it.

"Did I leave him for the same reason he left me?" Yejin whispered, a tear rolling down her cheek.

"Why are you crying?" Jimin asked, sitting down beside her. Yejin wiped her tears, "I'm not crying, you are."
"What?" Jimin asked, cocking a brow at her, "No I'm not." Yejin looked down, chuckling at Jimin's reaction, "It was a joke, Jimin."
"I don't...I don't get how it's a joke." Jimin said, his face straight. Yejin frowned at him, "Nevermind, then."
"So, why were you crying?" Jimn asked, reaching his hand over to take her hand in his. Yejin looked at him, tears in her eyes, "It's just," she paused, then laughed out loud, "you wouldn't believe me if I told you, Jimin."

"You wanna bet me on that?"
     "Yes." Jimin leaned in closer to her, "Try me." For a moment, Yejin thought to herself. She finally took in a deep breath, "I'm from a parallel universe. - different world."

There was a pause.

     "You're right, I don't believe you." Jimin said, backing away. Yejin laughed, standing up.

     "It's getting late, let's go home."
     "I'll walk you," Jimin said, walking beside Yejin.
     "Why, thank you." She giggled, linking her arm with the male.


As the two began to approach Yejin's house, they saw Jungkook walking into his own house. Yejin stared at him walking in, longing for his voice. She sighed, watching the door to Jungkook's house close.

Jimin patted her back, "Why did you even start hanging out with those girls? Jungkook was your best friend. You both were inseparable." Yejin sighed, continuing her walk to her house, "I ask myself that, too, Jimin. I ask myself that exact question, too."

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