The room was empty, obviously. But it was oddly clean and tidy. Only a thin layer of dust coated the corners and the top of the book, shelves and beds. We looked around the tiny room, seeing anything unnatural.

But I got the fright of my life when their built in closet... moved. Like, it jumped, like my heart. 

"What the hell was that?" I said, hand on my heart, "Oh my gosh what if it's an animal?" Alex squealed, "It's not an animal, I hope." I said quietly. Paxton walked over, opening the closet door with a broken coat hanger.

And inside, hanging on the wooden rod was a single metal device. A blinking red light and a thin plastic tube attached to it. Gage sighed, "What is this? A Goddamn vacuum? This is a waste of time, can we look for something else?"

While those 3 numskulls were fighting, I followed the length of the plastic tube. It was connected to something, "Wait guys I think we're onto something, look. If you follow this tube, it's connected into the wall, like, right her."

I pressed the tips of my fingers into the small crack in the wall where the tube was connected. It crumbled under the weight of my pressurized touch and I pulled them away, "It's almost like it's pumping something, watch." Paxton said.

We watched as the machine blinked a red light about 4 times before it stopped, and the tube moved ever so slightly, "It's almost like it's alive." Alex said, leaving us spooked.

Gage touched the plastic tube, following the rim of it into the wall, "Well what happens if we pull it?" "Don't pull it." Paxton sighed, rubbing his temples." 

Gage pulled it.

It, thankfully, didn't blow us up. But his pull was so hard that the thin paint that coated the walls broke off. "Holy crap." I whispered. The end of the tube was laying on the floor as the machine seemed to turn off, "Well that was easier than I thought."

"Wait you guys, there's something behind here." I said. I fully submerged myself into the closet, pulling at the drywall, it was surprisingly easy to pull away. I was covered in white powder and dust after pulling at the wall, my fingers ached. "What the hell? It's like they tried to cover it up or something." I frowned, "If you were concocting some serum to kill the entire human race with a zombie apocalypse, I'd probably cover it up too." I rolled my eyes.

Alex growled, giving one final punch to the wall. I heard a metal clicking and then something that sounded like gears grinding, "Are we about to blow up?" I asked in fear, "What's the password." A robotic voice said, I calmed down, "What is this? Really, the put a password in a wall? Where even is the stupid automatic voice coming from?" Gage said angrily, kicking the closet.

A loud bang echoed in our ears as the room began to shake, turns out Gage kicked the closet wall, causing a hole. My eyes went wide as I peered through it. Getting on my hands and knees, I closed one eye and looked into the hole, "Holy, there's something behind here. Like a room, another room, quick, help me!" 

I began kicking at the wall, quickly getting help as we demolished the wall. It was easier said than done. By the end of it, we ended up in a giant warehouse after we walked through a single door. My eyes were wide as I looked up at the sun-glass ceiling. It's so high up.

"There's another tube with something inside it." Alex pointed out.

I almost cried.

A red liquid was being transported from inside the tube to another location. Gage looked at me with sympathy, "We need to stop it, now." I said, ignoring the fact that it's blood. It could be mine for all I know. Tyler and Jared took bags of it.

"What's the password?" The automatic voice said, radiating through the warehouse, "Oh shut up you stupid robot!" Gage screamed. 

The tube was connected to the wall, flowing all around it like a metal vent in classrooms. There was no actual location of it, "You guys might want to see this." I heard Paxton say. I ran over to him. "Hell no, lets turn back, now! Right now." Alex freaked, trying to turn back.

Don't Talk To Strangers | BOOK 1Where stories live. Discover now