Chapter 21: I'll protect you

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I love y'all but I'm SORRYYY, some stuff happens in this chapter bc I planned it a while ago but it turns out- fine... ish...? It's a little bit about Emily's past caregiver, but she'll be fine! Also I'm sorry biscuit isn't really in this chapter! 3.3k words, enjoy :)

Lana's pov:

"Can't someone else take care of it? I'm spending the day with my girlfriend."

"Unfortunately it falls under your department. I can reschedule is for tomorrow but some investors won't be too happy. I promise you won't be here for long, 3 hours at most."

"Ugh fine. Make sure all the papers are on my desk. I'll be there in 20 minutes."

*hangs up phone*

Me and Emily were eating breakfast. I got a call from my assistant Julia. She said there were some contracts that needed to be read and signed. Today I had planned to just stay home with Emily. I've been working a lot after her birthday since my companies annual benefit was coming up. she would usually spend the day with Nicole and Peyton, but I decided to bring her along so we can just go out afterwards.

I walked back into the kitchen, Emily was in her high chair playing with one of her toys waiting to be fed. She had ketchup on her nose. My messy little girl. I walked in front of her high chair and admired her.

"Hi mama. Eggies pease." I chuckled at her and grabbed her spoon, scooping up some egg and feeding it to her.

"Babygirl, mommy just got a call from Julia-"

"No mama! No work! No wan ou go! I-I miss ou!" She yelled and I frowned. I didn't realize how much I had been working. I know she loves Nicole and Peyton, but she missed her mommy more. Plus I didn't wanna drop Emily off with them every time I had to go. Tears streamed down Emily's face. I used my thumb to wipe her tears away and kissed her forehead.

"Baby love, calm down for mommy okay? I don't have to stay there the whole day, and I'm gonna take you with me so after we can go out. I promise wherever you ask to go I'll take you! We can get whatever you want to eat. Okay baby? You'll be with mommy the whole day." She looked over at me with wide eyes and sniffled.

"Pomise mama...? I stay wif Ou? An an we won't be long?" She stuck out her pinkie and I smiled.

"Yes baby, you're gonna stay with mama and we won't be long. I have to sign papers baby." I wrapped my pinkie around hers started to take her out the high chair. I wanted to make it up to her for being at work all the time.

"Come on munchkin, lets get you dressed and get you some toys to play with while mommy works." She nodded and I picked her up, bringing her upstairs to her nursery.

"Mama is gonna change you into a pull up, and then I'll pick out your clothes while you get a few toys." I laid her down on the changing table, getting rid of her soiled diaper and wiping her down. I slipped her pull up on and carried her down.

"Okie mama, I go get toys!" She said running off and picking out some toys. I smiled at her and picked out some jeans and a guess shirt for her, with white shoes.

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