Chapter 15: San Francisco (Part 2)

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Things in this story have been sweet for a while, I wanted to change that up, pls don't kill me! Things will turn out okay I promise, just needed to make things spicy. This also has a little bit of Peyton's history since I feel like I didn't really give her a personality yet. Enjoy, 4.6 k words! This is my longest chapter!

I couldn't breathe, I wandered the streets of San Francisco without mommy. I was lost, it was getting dark. I just wanted to go swimming upstairs. Instead I was cold, in my headspace without my mommy. I just wanted to be in her arms. I didn't know which way to go, tears filled my eyes and they burned. I needed mommy. Hopefully she was looking for me.

Earlier that day:

I stretched out my body, turning to my side and opening my eyes. I saw my little girl sleeping next to me. Nicole had already woken up and went to Starbucks with Peyton to buy some breakfast. I decided me and Emily would sleep in for a little bit longer. I sat up on the bed And rubbed Emily's back. She stirred a bit and rubbed her eyes with her fists. She opened them and smiled when she saw me.

"Good morning my little baby. Did you sleep well?" Emily nodded and turned her body so she was facing me, tracing her finger over my stomach.

"Es momma, seep good. Peyton and Auntie Nicole 'eave?" She asked me, a soft pout forming on her face. I shook my head and brushed her hair out her face.

"No no baby, they went to go buy us some food. They're getting you a tasty chocolate frappe from Starbucks, your favorite!" Emily smiled big and leaned over, pecking my lips softly. It was an innocent kiss.

"Yay mommy! Wetted 'iaper mommy. Need change." She told me, tugging on her diaper. I chuckled softly and got out of bed, grabbing a pull up and wipes. I pulled Emily gently towards the end of the bed, taking off her soiled diaper. I wiped her down and pulled her pull ups on. I leaned over and picked her up, placing her on my hip.

"Let's get dressed for the day and brush our teeth you little chicken." Emily giggled at the name and nodded, leaning her head on my shoulder. We started brushing our teeth and getting dressed.


"I'll have two grande chocolate chip frappes, a venti caramel macchiato, iced, and a venti iced coffee. Just sugar and no cream. And I'll take 2 chocolate croissants warmed up, and 2 blueberry muffins. Sorry for the long order." I told the cashier, Peyton next to me holding my hand.

"That's no problem ma'am. Just insert your chip. What's the name for the order?" I nodded and placed my card into the chip reader.

"Nicole is fine." I told him, after the machine beeped I pulled out my debit card, placing it in my wallet.

"Okay thank you, you can wait over there and you'll be called for your order. Have a great day you two!" The male cashier said joyfully. I smiled at him and walked away to sit with peyton.

"Mama wha are we gonna do today?" Peyton asked sitting next to me. Her head laid on my shoulder, she held my hand and played with my rings.

"I'm not sure babygirl. We'll ask auntie Lana when we get back to the hotel. I think she mentioned wanting to take you guys to the zoo." I told Peyton and she shot up and looked at me with wide eyes.

"Really mama? The zoo! With lions, tigers and bears?"

"Oh my!" I finished off and we both giggled.

"Yes babygirl, with lions, tigers and bears. Are you gonna show Emily all the animals baby?" I asked her and she nodded eagerly.

"Uh huh mama! I'm gonna bring Emily all 'round and show her all the animals. I'm a big girl right mama? I get to watch Emily?" I chuckled and nodded my head at her, kissing her head.

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