Chapter 12: Memories

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A/N: this chapter talks about Emily's past, which isn't pleasant. If you're sensitive to this topic, (specifically abusive caregivers)I would recommend skipping the first 5 ish paragraphs, the rest is okay. This shows Emily's younger headspace and big Emily!Love you all!

Mommy's pov:

It was the middle of the night, and I was woken up by heavy breathing and faint cries next to me. I turned over in bed to see my baby curled into a fetal position. She wasn't quite awake, but I knew she was having a nightmare. She hadn't had one in a while, so it worried me.

I cautiously sat up and faced her, gently running my fingers through her hair.

"Hey, little one. My baby, mommy is here. Can you wake up for me baby?" I cooed to her. At first she tensed at my touch, but hearing my voice relaxed her. She stirred a bit but her breaths grew short and she started panicking. I lifted her into my lap, her legs around my waist and arms around my neck. I rubbed her back gently.

"Shhhhh babygirl. Can you copy mama's breaths? In and out little one. Mommy has you. You're safe with me, always remember that." She slowly started to copy my breaths, she hiccuped a bunch and I could still feel tears coming down her face. But her breathing coming to normal.

"Bad dweam... bad mommy huwt me." She choked out, and my heart broke. Emily hadn't had the best caretakers, she was emotionally scarred. I loved my baby dearly, but she didn't like to talk about her past caretakers, which is why I didn't push her to tell me. She shook in my arms, sobs running through her body. All the pain my little princess was put through.

"My love, my little sunshine. Shhhh. It's okay now, angel. Mommy is with you, and will always be with you. Oh baby, mama loves you with her heart and soul. You're safe, okay? Always safe with mommy." I rubbed small circles around her back, rocking her back and fourth. She didn't say anything, but nodded. Sometimes my baby was too small to talk, and that was okay. Out the corner of my eye I saw the bed was wet. I knew she would be a little embarrassed that her diaper had leaked through.

"Now come on little one, mama is gonna change you and then change the sheets. Then we're gonna cuddle and go to sleep, yeah?" She gave me a sniffle and a nod.

I picked her up, bringing her to the changing table. She whimpered and clung onto me when I was gonna put her down.

"Sweetheart, I only need to change you okay? Mommy is right here, I'm not going anywhere."

"Ou no 'eave me..?" She quietly whimpered out.

"Of course no, my baby. Now would you wanna stay in that wet sticky diaper? I don't think so my love bug. So let mommy change you real fast." She nodded and I gently laid her down on the changing table. She was shaking a bit, but her cries had calmed down. I quickly disposed of her soiled diaper, wiping her down, and adding cream. I taped a fresh new diaper on with stars. She was a little sweaty, so I didn't put pants on her, just my t shirt.

"Now there babygirl, all better!" I cooed softly. I picked her back up, gently placing her paci in her mouth. She laid her head on my shoulder. I gently bounced her on my hip, humming gentle tunes for her to fall back asleep.

As soon as she fell asleep, I walked her to the living room and laid her on the couch, putting her blanket over her.

I went back to our room, grabbing the soiled sheets and tossing them in the washer. I was gonna bring us back upstairs to the room. But I decided we'd just sleep on the couch.

While the sheets washed I used my phone, watching videos. Once they were done I tossed them in the dryer. It was only 4am, and I was tired. I went to the living room, my little munchkin sleeping peacefully.

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