Chapter 4: Mommy's job

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Emily's pov:
"Wake up princess, come on babygirl" I heard mommy's voice as she was softly shaking me. I squirmed and shook my head, I was so comfy and I didn't want to wake up.

"Come on sweetie, mommy has to go to the office and you're coming with me." I opened my eyes and sat up quickly, I hated when mommy worked but when I got to come with her it was so fun!

"I weally get to go wif you mama?" I said and wrapped myself around her as she picked me up.

"Yes sweetie, it's only for a few hours and mommy doesn't want you to be by yourself, it's better if you just Come with me." I smiled and she brought me to my playroom, giving me my kanken bookbag.

"Pick out 5 toys and 2 books you want to bring princess. Then meet me back in your room and get dressed. I'll make you some snacks" I nodded and she left the room. Only 5 toys!! That was so hard, I wanted to bring all of them! I first picked out crayons and my flower coloring book. I grabbed my two favorite stuffies, an elephant named Jo and my bear named sunny!

I had two more left, I grabbed a really pretty puzzle and my bouncy ball! I went to my book shelf and got a book about puppies and the other one about a princess and her prince! I put everything in my bag besides jo and sunny, and headed into the room. Mommy was putting on makeup and I saw my clothes laid out. She gave me black sweatpants and a champion hoodie. She gave me comfy clothes since by the time we got back it would be night time.

"Mommy can ou pease help me wif my clothes" I said and she giggled and walked towards me sitting on the bed. She slipped off my t-shirt and put a sports bra on me.

"Arms up babygirl." I did as she said and she slipped the oversized sweater on me. She laid me on the bed and pulled down my pull up. She wiped me down and powdered me and put on a fresh one. She stood me up and pulled my sweatpants on, she gave a tiny pat on my butt.

"I have a container with snacks and drinks downstairs, put them in your lunchbox babygirl." I nodded and went downstairs. I saw one container with nuggets and Mac and cheese with carrots. She gave me Chex mix and fruits snacks with some juice and water! And for a little dessert I had a cookie, yay! I took my lunchbox from the table and put all the food and drinks inside and sat at the table waiting for mommy. A few minutes later she came downstairs, she had on plaid pants with low doc martens, and a plain white shirt.

"Come on my angel, we'll only be a few hours." I ran to her and grabbed her hand. We walked to the drive way and she put me in the back, buckling my car seat and kissing my head. She went into the drivers seat and we drove off.

Let me explain mommy's job. She works in a really tall building. She owns part of a bdsm company and runs a convention every year! It's not just bdsm, it has sub sections like ddlg, mdlg, ddlb, mdlb, pet play, etc! Mommy was head of the mdlg section! They sell a bunch of mdlg accessories on an online store and take care of their section during the convention! Mommy has the biggest office and a cool view! I dazed out the window as we drove more into the city, we soon pulled up to the building. Mommy pulled up in the front for the valet to bring it to her spot. She came to my side and picked me up. She looked at the boy who was gonna park her car.

"Be careful, you break it I fire you." Mommy said, and she gave him a tip. At work mommy was so much more intimidating, probably because she was the boss. She carried me in and everyone said hi to her and some looked away. My momma wasn't that scary! We reached the elevator and mommy put me down.

"Why don't you push the button princess" I smiled and poked the up button. It opened up and we went inside, I pressed number 40, which was the top floor and where mommy's office was.

"Now babygirl, I want you to be a good girl for mommy okay? I don't have to do much but things always come up, and I have a meeting. I expect you to be on your best behavior. You have plenty of things to keep you occupied." Mommy said sternly, but also calmly.

"I will momma, I promise!" I said jumping up. We reached the 40th floor and mommy held my hand. When we walked out everyone said hi to mommy and was working. In front of her office was her assistants desk, Julia. She was so nice, she always gave me candy when I saw her!

"Hey julia, how are we doing with those sales?" Mommy asked her. She smiled at us and handed me a lollipop!

"Hey Mrs.Sanchez, they're doing great, some are even out of stock so we'll have to check with the warehouse." Mommy nodded and smiled at her. Before Julia worked here she was mommy's friend, mommy knew Julia needed a job, so she hired her here! Mommy was so nice.

"Okay Julia, just make sure someone calls the head of the warehouse department, make sure all the sales are up to date and remind me 10 minutes before my meeting." Mommy said and she walked us into her office and I waved bye to Julia. Mommy's office was huge! She had a big tv and a couch, with a touch screen that controlled everything in the office. She had a huge desk with a bookshelf in back of her and a bunch of filing cabinets. If you looked out the window you could see a view of the whole city. I sat on the couch and mommy took off my shoes and turned on the tv.

"You can watch cartoons princess, no bad tv shows." She said and I pouted. I really wanted to watch my crime shows. Instead I played spongebob and laid on the couch suckling my thumb. I watched about 3 episodes and I just wanted to be with mommy. I sat up and turned around, she was typing something on her computer so I walked in front of her desk.

"Mommy I wan you.." I said pouting. She looked up at me and motioned me to go around her desk.

"Babygirl, you know I'm working. We have about 5 hours to go. For now please do something to occupy yourself, Mommy is busy." She said as she kissed my head and went back to work. I sighed and walked back to the couch. I looked in my bookbag and took out my crayons and my coloring book. I sat Jo and Sunny in my lap and started coloring. I colored some pretty flowers for mommy! I took them and put them in my bag for mommy to see later. I continued watching tv as Julia came in and started talking to mommy

"Mrs.sanchez, 10 minutes before your meeting." She said and I pouted, that means mommy had to go! I ran to mommy and clang to her, I didn't want her to leave.

"Mommy I don wan you to leave, pease don go" I said and she sat me in her lap. She started rubbing my back.

"Babygirl, I'm only going to be gone for 20 minutes. Julia will stay and play with you while I'm gone okay? This is very important for mommy and I need you to behave, remember what I said while we were in the elevator?" I nodded and laid my head on her chest. She picked me up and opened the door.

"Julia, can you watch emily while I'm gone? I don't want her being in here by herself." She said and set me down. Julia nodded and took my hand, I pouted and mommy bent to my level.

"No pouting babygirl. Julia is so fun! I'll be back in no time." Mommy said as she kissed my head. I sniffled and kissed mommy back.

"Don't worry Mrs.sanchez. She'll be in great hands." She smiled at mommy. And she nodded and walked away. Julia took me into mommy's office and I laid on the couch holding Jo and sunny. I just wanted to be with mommy.

"Do you want your paci hon?" Julia asked sitting on the floor near the couch.

"Yes pease..." I said and she got my bookbag and pulled out my elephant paci. She gently put it in my mouth and stroked my hair.

"Your mommy will be back soon hon. I'll play something on the tv for you." She played spongebob and I laid there watching. Julia's phone rang and she stood up.

"Hey honey I'll be back in one second I have to answer the phone okay?" She asked and I nodded, I had a great idea...

Julia walked out, while her back was turned I got up and closed the door, locking it. I just wanted mommy. Don't get me wrong I love Julia, but I just wanted to be alone while mommy wasn't here. She turned around and tried opening the door, she knocked on the door and I turned and giggled. She sighed and sat on her chair, watching me through the glass door. I sat up and stuck my tongue out at her. I walked up the the glass and smiled at her. She sounded muffled but I understood her.

"Emily please open the door, your mommy is going to be so mad." She begged and I shook my head, laying back on the couch. I suckled my paci and closed my eyes, and soon enough I fell asleep.

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