💐!The floor is lava!💐 (pure fluff)

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(Srry this one is short)

*Dipper's POV*

Me and Mabel were playing the floor is lava while bill, Grunkle Ford, and Grunkle Stan were still sleeping. "Okay the floor is lava in 3..2...1 THE FLOOR IS LAVA!!! Mabel yelled at the end. We both jumped onto the couch.  "Aren't we a little too old to be playing this Mabel?" I asked. "Bro bro, were 15, thats not too old." Mabel said. Then bill came in. He looked very tired. "Why are you two yelling" he said. "The floor is lava!" I told him. "What?... no its not." He said confused. "Its a game stupid" i told him. I then picked up a pillow and threw it at him. "Oof" he said after he fell to the ground. "Your dead now.'' Mabel said. Bill just looked unamused amd still confused.

AUTHORS NOTE: heya, sorry its so short I havent had time to write and i cant find any inspiration. okie well goodbai~♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️

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