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Triggers :depression, cutting, abuse, suicide mention

DIppers POV

Back in gravity falls, two years later.. yay... but of course. Thats not all. My sister changed.. from the first time we went to gravity falls. She used to be so caring and passionate and loving but not anymore. Now she is just coldhearted.. she now hates me and its because.. our parents died. Apperently a drunk driver hit them and there car (and them) went tumbling into the nearby forest. But you know what mabel thinks.. she thinks its my fault. And I suppose it's kind of true. They were coming home from a city next to our town and on the park way I called them. I called them and told them I won an award. Im assuming when the took their eyes off the road to celebrate for a second then the drunk driver hit. "DIPSHIT, COME DOWN HERE GRUNKLE FORD WANTS YOU!!!" Mabel yelled to me. I finished putting the banages on my arms from my new crimson red cuts and then put a thick hoodie over it and came down.  "Ahh dipper, there you are!" Grunkle Ford said. He liked me at least. I still couldn't determine if grunkle stan liked me anymore or if he hated me too. "Yea right here." I replied.  "Uhm but first why did Mabel call you ..dipshit?" Grunkle ford asked. He didnt know Mabel hated me and my guts. "Yea uh I dont know.." I lied. "Oh well.. i was wondering if you want to take a car ride into town and help me with shopping?" He asked,  he looked like he expected me to say not thanks or sorry im busy. "Yea, sure." I said. I kinda wanted to avoid Mabel for a bit. I knew though, once i got back, I would be in for it. "Great hop in the car I'll be right there, i just have to grab my wallet!" Grunkle ford said. It was kinda funny how he didnt know mabel hates me. Im not going to give him any signs though. I deserve this abuse and hate from Mabel. I killed our parents.

As I walked outside i grabbed the door handle. I felt a tug on my sweatshirt and next thing I know im on the ground. "Hey dipshit! Where the hell do you think your going?" Mabel asked. "Shop..ing" I said, stilled dazed. "Damn it!, with Ford outta the way and Grunkle Stan at the casino we coulda had some damn fun! Now you ruined it, like with our parents!" Mabel said really annoyed. "When you come back you will be in for it dipstick!!" Mabel said coldly she then kicked me in the stomach and then quickly left. I hurriedly got into grunkle Ford's car. 

(After a few minutes)

Ford's POV

Where the hell is my wallet?! Oh there it is.. I thought to myself.  Okay well time to go shopping with dipper! I went downstairs and I saw dipper looked really upset. He was just staring into space. I opened the car door. "Hey dipper, uh found my wallet!" I said. "Oh h-hi grunkle ford!" Dipper said.  He looked scared he was still staring at something and i looked up to see what he was staring at. Mabel? Mabel had a look on her face that could kill. She was meanly staring at dipper from their bedroom. She then spotted me and quickly pulled down the blinds. Is Mabel mad at dipper? Maybe she's just upset since their parents died. I mean it was just about 2 months ago..    We were finally at the supermarket and i ripped of part of the list and handed it to Dipper. "Hey Dipper,  can you go and get these for me?" I asked. "Sure.." He replied. Something is off with that boy. Im pretty sure it's about Mabel. 

Bill ciphers POV (Well i kinda have too! Its billdip for crying out loud)

Sixer can be really smart but so blinded at the same time! It took him too months to Even THINK Mabel was cause pinetree to be upset! Im showing Ford later. Heh, he doesnt even know I'm alive. This will be interesting...

Dipper's POV 

Okay pancake batter, water bottles, milk, and finally where is an alarm clock. Apperently Grunkle Ford broke him this morning. Heh. I wonder how? Ooh i found one. It was red but I'm sure Grunkle ford doesnt care what color. I grabbed it and hurried to find him. I found him in the book section. I mean where else would I find him. "Oh hey, thank you Dipper!  im just seeing if they have a certain book. And no they dont, okay lets go then!" Grunkle Ford exclaimed. 

2020 BILLDIP ONESHOTS (COMPLETED)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें