Dippers a what now?! Part two

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You will have to read the first part to get it. Oh and here is a burrito! *gives burrito* 🌯🥙

Bill's POV 

 I saw a little bump under the blanket on dippers bed. I walked towards the bed and yanked the covers off. "Hello my lil pine-AHH"  My spell did not work.. I saw a baby ..... a. Million thoughts flooded my  'WHERE DID THIS BABY COME FROM, WHERE IS PINETREE, WHAT DO I DO' The thoughts kept coming until I saw the baby move a bit. Oh no. It. Woke. Up. What do I do?!?!

 I reached for the babys forehead then I lifted up its bangs and saw the big Dipper constellation on his forehead. This is pinetree... WAIT THIS BABY IS PINETREE, OH MY PINETREE!!!! I stared at him and he seemed to be a bit scared.  I found the book on the floor and went to the page. I stopped then started reading. I came to the words of the spell. Then i saw some of the page was ripped off.. oh no (if you couldnt figure it out it's okay, it means that bill read the 'saying' but there was more to it but that part of the page was ripped off) I grabbed the page and flipped it over scaning the back side. It had a lot of info about the baby spell,  turns out Pinetree has a child mind for the time being.. and he doesnt remember anything about his life until the spell wears off. He will only remember some things about being a baby after he turns back. It had everything about the side effects and what not, but it didn't state if the spell wore off or how to turn him back. I did the only thing I could do in the heat of the moment "MABEL, STANLEY, FORD COME HERE AND HURRY,  WE HAVE A PROBLEM!!!!!" I yelled. In about 10 seconds the door swung open and Shooting star, fez, and sixer came. "WHAT, what happened, its definitely something really bad if you used our names!!!!?" Sixer yelled in panic . (Dipper was under the blanket so they couldn't see him) "Remember the spell yesterday? Well it did not work and now this!!!!!!" I uncovered the blanket and baby Pinetree looked up at everyone. They all knew it was dipper because his big Dipper birth mark was pretty visible. Mabel squealed while fez and sixer stared in shock. "Oh my god.. dipper is soooo cute!!!!!!" Mabel sqealed while rushing over to pinetree and picking him up.  "What the..." Sixer mumbled. "IM NOT FIT TO TAKE CARE OF A BABY" Fez yelled. (He didnt yell meanly, just panic yelling)

(Time skip cause im dying of cuteness writing♥️) Oh.. do you need another burrito? Here.   *Gives burrito* 🌯🥙  (this is kinda what baby dipper looks like, NOT my art)

   *Gives burrito* 🌯🥙  (this is kinda what baby dipper looks like, NOT my art)

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 (This part is just me, the author explaining what happens next)

  So Bill explained how he did the spell wrong and that he doesn't know how to turn Dipper back or when it wears off. Eventually Ford and stan gets it and now they are just living with baby Dipper. (Time skip : 3 days later) 

 Bill's POV (yes again, fite me)

 For the past two days I've been looking in the forest to see if I can find the missing ripped page.  Then as I was about to go back to the shack I saw a small piece of paper. My heart flipper. I rushed toward it and picked it up. I read it. My stomach just died. (Not literly lol) It said that it cant be reversed, we have to wait 4 months until Dipper turns back. This will be hell... (if u didn't know, Dipper is a smol baby not a young toddler just a baby.)  

I ran back to the shack and the first thing I heard was lil pinetree crying. "How do I make dipper stop crying??" Sixer asked. He looked panic, I thought someone as smart as him would know how to shut pinetree up. "Only mabel knows how!!" Fez yelled back at him. I walked into the living room and I saw Sixer with baby Pine tree in his arms with fez trying to prepare a bottle. Pine tree was straight up balling and yailing. "Yeesh" I said. That got their attention. "Did you find it yet?!?" Sixer asked with worry spread across his face. No wonder he hasn't had a baby. "Yes but where is shooting star?" I asked. I mean shooting star is the only one who knows how to calm pinetree down. "Shes at the store!" Fez said. Then as if on cue, Shooting star walked through the door.

 "Hey Im back how's dip- Oh god, here" shooting star said.  She dropped the bags and grabbed Dipper from sixer. "Shhh shh its okay baby dippy" she cooed at him. He quickly fell asleep. She put him on the couch and put a small blanket on him. "Okay, so umm pinetree wont be back to normal for 4 months". Everyone but Mabel just groaned.  I was nervously smilimg like an idiot. "Well i got a lot of baby supplies" shooting star said cheerfully. She then proceeded to unpack, diapers, bottles, baby food, formula, a bunch of lil baby onesies, a high chair and a small foldable crib. "Wow.. uh how much did all that cost?" Fez asked. "250 dollars. But i split it between the money you gave me and my wallet." Shooting star explained.

AUTHORS NOTE: Hai so this baby oneshot was an idea I got, but I like it alot so eventually Imma make a book about it. Im not gonna add another part. But when the story does come out then hey, maybe read it idk. Imma just give a shout out to someone really quick, in a chapter i asked if anyone reads these and if not ill discontinue this book but they said some motivation words and yea so.. shout out to  Bdipper   !! They helped me have motivation to keep writing!   Also im gonna write a billdip story with a lot of angst, where dipper is depressed and stuff so yea! Maybe check it out  soon? Okay well bai~♡♡♡♡♡

AUTHORS NOTE: Hello again, this chapter didnt really have much to edit, just some spelling mistakes and stuff. But uhm.. HAPPY PRIDE MONTH ❤💛💚💙💜🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍🌈

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