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Lani's P.O.V
First Day Of School
I was walking up to my group of friends and I saw Dave with everyone. I stopped walking and turned to Christian and said "How about you get both of our class schedules and I meet you at the front desk."
Christian said "Sure, even though I'm happy with all my classes."
I said "You don't even know them yet. What did you do?"
Christian said "Oh, nothing."
Christian kissed my cheek and walked away and I just smiled at him. I stood in place for a second and then walked up to my group of friends. Airi, Destiny, Oct, Dave, Jessie, D'Lila and some other boys were over there and I walked up.
I said "Hey guys."
Airi screamed "Hey bestie westie. I missed you."
Airi was very hyper for it to be a school morning so I looked at her eyes and said "Not you high."
Airi laughed and said "Bitch, I needed it. I did not feel like this."
I laughed and then dapped the other boys and spoke to Destiny. I said "Bitch over here glowing from all that good sun."
Destiny said "Shut up. I rather have that body, getting thick boo."
I said "Thank you, thank you."
I turned to the twins and asked "Where Justin?"
Jessie said "With some girl."
I laughed and D'Lila started to say "What happened with you and-"
I said "Umm..."
The twins nodded and Dave said "Hi mamas."
I looked at Dave, smiled big and said "Hi baby."
I started to walk towards him and gave him a hug. My arms were around his neck and his hands were on my lower back.
Then I heard some girl say "How cute?"
I turned around and saw Savannah and the famous Mia. The girl Dave cheated on me with, could this day get any worse ?
Mia said "Hey pooh." talking to Dave.
Dave said "Yo, what the fuck are you doing here?"
Savannah said "My new bestie go here now. Yeah, so y'all can have plenty of time to catch up. You know?" while smirking.
Destiny said "What a joke?" being petty.
The girls laughed a little including me and Mia said "I don't know what's so funny. You decided to go back to cheater after he had all this."
I said "Cute but funny how he came running back to me after that."
Savannah said "Dumb bitch."
Airi said "Repeat that again hoe." while walking up to her but I stopped her.
I said "Don't even trip off that one, she know she don't want a round two. It look like that lip still healing."
Everyone started laughing and Mia said "Mhmm. Running back to you after the things we did. Umm, must've been going back forth because it was multiple times."
I was a little taken back because Dave told me it was once.
Dave said "Now you lying."
Mia said "Sorry, just have a big mouth but you remember that." and licks her lips.
I start to walk up to her, to hit her but Dave stopped me and Savannah and Mia walked away laughing.
Dave said "Don't."
"Saving your little hoes, I see."
"That's not it. It's the first day of school, you don't need to be fighting."
I said "Mhmm. I can't with this right now."
I started to walk away but Dave grabbed my arm and said "Mama, calm down."
I snatched my arm away and said "Don't touch me. Go play captain save a hoe."
Dave laughed a little and said "You really mad? Mamas, it was nothing, just forget it."
I said "I'm going to forget about it. You do you because I am sure as hell doing me."
I started to walk away and Dave grabbed my hand and "Lani, come here. You need to chill the fuck out."
I snatched my hand away and started to walk away but Dave followed behind me, calling my name. I saw Christian standing at the front desk smiling and waiting for me. I walked to Christian and said "Did you get my schedule?"
Christian said "Yes mamas."
I said "Can I see it?" Christian handed me my schedule.
I looked over my classes and we pretty satisfied with them.
I said "Can I see your schedule daddy?"
Dave was watching me and I didn't care, fuck him. He wanna play the fucking hero, go right ahead.
Christian nodded and handed me his schedule and I compared it to mine, I realized we had all the same classes as each other.
I said "Really?"
Christian said "It's a coincidence."
I laughed and then he bent down to kiss me and I said "Wait, you can't. You still gotta girlfriend."
Christian pouted and said "But, I wanna touch you ma."
I said "Later, later. Just wait babes."
Christian smiled and I handed him back his schedule and looked over at Dave and he looked beyond pissed. I wasn't trying to make him mad it was just a plus. It's his fault that all of this is happening.
I pulled Christian down and whispered in his ear "Can I get a piggy back ride to class?"
Christian smiled at me and said "Of course ma."
I grabbed his bag, put his food in it and did the same with my bag. I put my bag on my back and carried his in my hand and then jumped on his back and started laughing. I told the gang to follow me and they did. Dave had went somewhere but I didn't know where but I didn't care. We got to our class and our teacher Mr.Smith said "This is a school, not a playground. Put her down."
Christian and I laughed, I said "Somebody woke up on the wrong side of the bed."
Christian said "No funny. Betta fix that attitude before I beat his ass."
I laughed and started walking to some seats in the corner with Christian following behind me.
Destiny was in my first class with me and some other boy that was outside this morning and we all decided to sit together.
Christian and I sat in the back and Destiny and the boy sat in front of me.
Mr.Smith says "Welcome. I am your geometry teacher and this will be your first class. Most of you already know me and I know some of you."
Mr. Smith looks at me and I said "You can continue."
Mr.Smith chuckled and says "My darling Milan, same as last year I see."
I said "Yes sir! But you know you love me."
Mr.Smith said "Yes I do, your like my second daughter. I see somebody else love you too, what happened to your neck?"
I chuckled lightly and looked over at a smirking Christian and said "No, actually I got in a fight at McDonalds and the girl hit my neck. I am a child of the lord, I don't do that."
Mr.Smith laughed and said "Uh huh, I see. Well, I need to meet this mystery boy because he needs my blessing. Not just any boy can be with my daughter."
I said "There is no boy."
Christian looked at me and sucked his teeth while Mr.Smith continued "Well, anyways this will be a free period mostly. Socialize and get to know new people and me. It will be a chill day but I don't want no funny business. You got me Lani?"
I said "Gotchu."
I laughed and pulled my food out my bag and started to eat as Christian did the same. Destiny turned around along with the boy and said "This is Corey."
I said "Wassup."
Corey said "Wassup."
Christian dapped him up while I bit into my sandwich.
We were all talking and laughing and I had finished my food and I was thirsty and realized I had left my juice in the car.
I said "Can I see the car keys?"
Christian said "Why?"
I said "I left my juice in the car and I'm thirsty."
Christian said "We can share my drink mama."
I smiled and took his drink and started drinking it. Christian placed his hand on my thigh, rubbing it and I just giggled then this random girl walked up.
The random girl said "Hi cutie. What's your name?" talking to Christian.
Christian shook his head and said "Christian."
The random girl said "My name Miasia, you should sit over there with us. I would love to get to know you. It would be much better than sitting over here." while putting her hand on his but he quickly snatched it away.
I chuckled a lil bit and said to Destiny "People real live thirsty today."
Destiny said "Nah for real."
Miasia looked me up and down and said "Wanna be more direct?"
I sat the drink down and went to say something but Christian beat me to the punch.
Christian said "Listen shawty, thanks for the offer but no. I would advise you to walk away before my baby fuck you up."
All of us laughed and Miasia said "She just a side chick anyways. Not even pretty."
I said "But, he rejected you for me."
The girl rolled her eyes and left our section, we just laughed at the whole situation.
Destiny said "So, what is this?"
I said "Nothing, we just friends."
Destiny said "A very touchy friend." noticing his hand on my thigh.
Christian said "This my boo but she on games."
I said "No, I'm not. We just friends for right now, he gotta problem to fix and then we can talk about me being his boo."
Christian rolled his eyes and Destiny said "You know what that means, Breah gotta go. You and my friend mad cute, so she gotta go because my friend ain't no side."
I said "Period." while I dapped Destiny up.
Corey said "Y'all do look good together. You need to cuff brodie." talking to Christian.
Christian said "Working on it bro." while dapping him up.
We went back to talking and playing around. It was fun, Christian and I did some Tik Toks and we was looking so cute. Our first period was coming to an end and Mr.Smith said "Y'all have a homework assignment but it's just graded for completion. I want to see what you guys know."
I nodded and went to grab my bag but Christian grabbed it before me. Christian said "I gotchu ma."
I smiled and grabbed his hand and we started walking to our next class. We walked out of the class and into the hallway and saw Oct, Airi, and Dave goofing off in the hallway. It kinda made me feel some type of way seeing Airi with him after what happened this morning but whatever. Christian and I walked towards our next class and we stood in the hallway for a lil bit. Destiny had to go and she hugged me bye and then walked to where she was going. Christian had his back on the wall and I was right in front of him. We were just talking about our classes and stuff.
Christian said "You gonna help me with my homework right?"
I said "No. I have stuff to do. I have to practice, wash clothes and then do my homework."
Christian said "Well, you need to figure out your time management because we had plans tonight." while putting his hand on my waist pulling me closer.
I said "Okay, but you have to help me. You can't be playing."
Christian rolled his eyes dramatically and said "Alright."
We started laughing and then Airi yelled "Lani, Lani come here real quick."
I said "Nah, I'm good."
Airi dismissed herself from them then came up to Christian and I. Airi said "Hey, why you ain't come over there."
I said "I just didn't want to."
Airi said "Are you cool? Are you mad at me or some?"
I semi lied and said "Nah, just wanted to stay over here."
Airi said "Okay. Y'all back on good terms?"
Christian said "Yeah, my lil baby stopped being mad at me."
I said "I couldn't stay mad at him for too long."
Airi said "Y'all cute. But, you know people starting to talk. Even Oct is saying stuff."
I said "Well, people gonna hate. If Oct have a problem, he can address me about it but that doesn't get between me and you right?"
Airi looked down then back at me and said "Yeah, we just need to talk about everything you know."
I nodded and smiled awkwardly then Dave yelled my name. Dave yelled "Lani?"
I ignored him and started playing with Christian hand and we started smiling and laughing at each other.
Dave yelled "Lani?"
I yelled "What?!" with an attitude.
Dave said "Yo, come here. I just want to talk to you, come on."
I rolled my eyes and said "I don't think that's a good idea."
Dave said "Come on, please."
I took a deep sigh then turned to Christian and said "Let me go talk to him real quick, is that cool?"
Christian said "Yeah ma, go handle that. You know who to come back to. Imma take our stuff in."
I nodded then started to walk off and Christian slapped my ass. I laughed and walked up to Dave, he then pulled me to the side.
Dave said "You being mad disrespectful."
I said "How?"
Dave said "Don't fucking play games with me, you know how."
"If you don't wanna explain then fine. Leave me alone."
"No, I know you, you know having that nigga touching on you makes me feel some type of way mamas."
"Oh, you feel some type of way? You feel like me, when you cheated on me type of way? And it seems like it was multiple times as well."
"Mama, she lying. Look, I'm not trying to argue, I just wanna make this work. If you wanna test the waters then I'm fine but don't be rubbing that shit in my face. And people are starting to talk. Got hickeys all over your neck and shit. Like what's going on, like you acting different."
I got mad and said "Well, let people say what the fuck they got to say. I don't have time for people that don't know me to judge me. As long as the people that do know me, got my back. I don't care. So, if you have a problem, stay the fuck away from me and that goes for anybody."
Dave nodded and said "Well, I will always have your back no matter what. Just text me later."
Dave side hugged me and walked away, I looked back at Airi and she was waiting for me.
I said "You got this class?"
Airi nodded and we smiled at the same time.
I said "This about to be so much fun, can't wait til I we get in trouble for talking."
Airi said "You know it."
I walked in the class and yet another girl is flirting with Christian. Low and behold it's fucking Mia, I walk over there and stand behind Christian.
Christian says "Thanks for the offer but no. I  need you to move, my babygirl gonna come back any minute. She been dealing with thirsty girls all day so she might react in a way you don't like."
I smiled at how faithful Christian was being, it was real cute. But, this bitch Mia really got a ass kicking on the way.
Mia says "Well, if you change your mind, you know where to find me."
Mia slid him a paper and walked away then side eyed me. That bitch gonna get what's coming to her. Christian picked up the paper then threw it behind him and hit me in my eye.
I said "Ow!"
Christian got up quick and said "Oh shit! Are you okay? I didn't know you were behind me."
I said "Calm down. You hit me in my eye, it just hurts."
Christian led me to my seat and blew into my eye to make it feel better. Airi said "Too cute!"
I laughed and said "Thanks daddy, it feels better now."
Christian looked around and then pecked my lips real quick. I smiled at him and then pushed his shoulder.
1 hour later...
Class was chill, it's the first day so we just chilled. Christian and I were playing around a lot. Airi was speaking to Mia a little but I didn't really think much of it because I know she wouldn't betray me. The cheerleaders and I had a practice because we have a game on Friday morning and we are going to do a dance with the boys to get the crowd hype. Christian, Airi, Destiny, Jessie, D'Lila and I were walking in a group. The girls were already changed but I needed to. They walked into the gym and I pulled Christian to the side and said "Time to go buddy boy."
Christian said "What? No! Why?"
I said "I gotta get changed then I have practice."
Christian smirked and said "I can watch."
"Yeah, no."
"No, your going to be a distraction."
"I won't, I promise."
"No, Christian. Why do even wanna be down here?"
Christian looked down and said "I don't have no friends here."
I started to giggle a little bit and said "Aww, my baby lonely." I hugged him but he didn't hug me back.
Christian said "Don't make me sound like a bitch. It ain't that, it's just I don't know nobody."
I said "Okay, come with me real quick."
Christian said "Where?"
I said "Just follow me."
I grabbed Christian hand and took him to the famous stoner pit.
I said "Remember this ?"
Christian said "Yeah, you showed me this place during my tour. I think we were right here when I said I was gonna make you mines."
I rolled my eyes and laughed. I walked over to my best friend Marcus and dapped him up then pushed his head.
I said "What's up big head."
Marcus said "La, keep you fucking hands to yourself. But, nothing, smoking, chilling. How about you?"
I said "Nothing much. Marcus, I would like you to meet Christian. He's new."
Marcus dapped him up and said "What's good?"
Christian said "Nothing much just following her around like a lost fucking puppy."
Marcus laughed and said "Damn. You should hang out with us. I know you tired of her fat neck ass."
I said "Bitch!"
I punched him in his chest and Christian laughed and said "Yeah, cool."
I said "Alright, I need to get to practice. Don't corrupt him, Mar. I mean it."
Marcus said "He is your nigga, not your son. Christian, you betta put her in her place."
Christian said "I do, trust me." while smiling at me, dapping Marcus up.
I said "That's my cue. Marcus is going to show you to the cafeteria so just meet me there. Bye babes."
I kissed his cheek and Christian said "Alright ma. But, I am cool you don't have to treat me like a bitch."
I rolled my eyes and walked. Marcus said "La, you kinda walking different. What happened?"
I heard all of the boys laughed and I stuck my middle finger up behind me and kept walking while giggling.
I changed into my dance clothes and I walked downstairs. I walked into the gym and Mia was down there showing Airi some dances. I stormed in and said "Sorry, I'm late. See some people found a solution."
Airi started rubbing on her neck and said "Umm, Mia was just showing me some things, you know."
I said "I see. This is a practice for cheerleaders not whores. So, I need you to go."
Airi said "Milan?! Stop!"
I said "Wow!"
Destiny said "Why are defending her? Your loyalty lies with Lani not that skank. Or did you forget what she did ?"
Mia scoffed. I said "Oh, so I'm not tripping. Thanks Dessy."
Airi said "Of course my loyalty lies with you. Mia was telling how she wanted to join the team."
I said "Sorry, we are full."
Destiny said "Bye bye! Don't let the door knob hit you on the way out."
Mia rolled her eyes and said "It's cool. You got my number Air bear, call me so we can finish our conversation."
Airi nodded and smiled awkwardly. Mia walked out and Destiny and I just looked at each other in shock. I said "This something."
Destiny said "Nah for real. This shit wild as fuck."
Airi came up to me and said "It's not what it looks like. She just wanted to talk abo-"
I said "Nah, it's good. Let's get practice started."
Airi tried to talk to me but I turned on Roxanne by Arizona Zervas. I started teaching them the routine and just ignored what was going on with Airi and I.
1 hour & 45 minutes later...
I finished the routine and we had it down packed and we just need to practice with the boys. The girls and I were starting to pack up to go to lunch. Destiny and I were goofing off and Airi was on the other side of room. Destiny and I were about to meet the boys for lunch but Airi stopped me.
Airi said "Can we talk for a sec?"
Destiny and I turned around and we looked at her.
Airi said "To Lani, Alone?"
Destiny looked at me and I nodded to let her know it was okay. Destiny said "I will wait for you at our table."
I smiled and grabbed her hand then she walked away.
I said "So?"
Airi said "I'm not betraying you, it's just that I didn't think you would care about me talking to her since you and Dave not together, I didn't think it was a big deal."
I said "It's cool, it's whatever."
Airi said "Okay, I'm sorry. But, I'm not about to kiss your ass. Mia is not that bad, you should give her a chance. She has some really got some good ideas."
I said "I'm cool off that, but we good. I promise."
Airi smiled weakly and said "You wanna get lunch?"
I said "Can't, I gotta show Christian around but you can join if you want. Well, if you can hang out with me, you know because of Oct." being slightly petty.
Airi said "Okay bitch. I can hang out with you if I want to. I won't let nothing get in between us. Yes, I will hang out with y'all."
I smiled and I hugged her. This is my best fucking friend, I can't be mad at her to long and over something stupid.
I walked out into the cafeteria and saw Christian. I missed him for that short period of time we was apart but that's my boo so I don't care.
I ran up to him and jumped on his back then kissed his cheek. Christian looked back realizing it was me and said "You can't be doing that ma. You know I got some crazy fans."
I laughed then jumped off of him and said "Why you smell like perfume?"
Christian said "I was with this girl earlier."
I said "Christian, are you playing?"
Christian shook his head no.
I said "Wow, okay. Who?"
Christian said "Don't remember her name." while laughing with Marcus and Corey.
"Bro, like you think that shit funny. You get on my fucking nerves, just leave me the fuck alone."
I grabbed my duffle bag and started to storm off but Christian picked me up.
I said "Get the fuck off me. Go mess with that bitch you was with."
I was trying to get out of his grip but he just wouldn't let go. My back was facing him and he was just holding onto me laughing which only pissed me off more. Christian places me down on the floor and I tried to walk away.
Christian said "I was just playing, I was just playing."
I said "No the fuck, you wasn't. You smell like perfume, get off of me King!" yelling.
Christian turned me to face him smiling and said "I smoked some weed and I needed to get the smell off me and I used some girl perfume."
I stood there glaring at him because I still thought he was lying. I rolled my eyes then I tried to walk away but he stopped me.
I said "Move!"
Christian said "Baby, I'm sorry. It was joke, I thought it was funny." while tryna hug me.
I said "It wasn't, now move out my way."
Christian was still hugging on me and I wanted to hug him back so bad but no.
Christian said "Damn, you could hug me back ma."
"No. That shit wasn't funny. Why would you do that?"
"Mar thought it would funny."
I flipped my middle finger towards Marcus and pulled Christian down to my level.
I whispered in his ear "It betta be a joke because that dick belongs to me. I still think you lying though."
Christian said "Do you really think I would be entertaining other girls while you're here?"
"Milan, you know me better than that. You know you my lil baby, I only got eyes for you."
I rolled my eyes and said "And Breah."
Christian laughed and said "It never gives that." mocking me.
I laughed really hard and Christian started laughing with me.
Christian said "Can I get a hug now?"
I rolled my eyes and said "No, go hug the bitch that gave you that perfume."
Christian rolled his eyes and picked me up and started tickling me. My legs wrapped around his waist, my hands on his shoulders and he kept ticking my sides.
Christian said "You done?"
I wanted to still be stubborn and not respond so he started tickling me harder. At this point I was dying with laughter.
Christian said "I'm not gonna stop until you give me a hug."
I said "O-o-oookay!"
Christian stopped then I gave him a hug while he was still holding me. I lifted my head up and then gave him a passionate kiss. I broke our kiss and just smiled at him while he still was holding me.
Christian said "You have the most beautiful smile."
I said "Is that so?"
Christian chuckled and said "It is so. What you want to eat ma?"
I said "Not really hungry right now. Maybe we can order a pizza or something when we go to the house."
Christian said "Or I can cook? I can make your favorite."
I said "You don't even know my favorite."
Christian said "Steak, mac n cheese, and broccoli."
"I guess you do know. Ouuu, we should do the smack or facts challenge for my youtube channel today."
"Bet. Let's go back to the table."
Christian put me down and we walked to our table.
Destiny said "Y'all was in y'all own little world back there looking cute."
I said "No, he just play too much."
Airi said "Have you decided on what you want to do in a couple weeks?"
Christian said "What's happening in a couple weeks?"
Marcus, Destiny, and Airi said "Her birthday!" in unison.
Christian said "Why you ain't say nothing ma?"
I said "Didn't think it was a big deal. Everybody in the house know even Q."
Christian said "Wow, okay. I have planning to do. We should throw a party."
I said "If y'all want too."
We spent the rest of lunch talking about my birthday and other things just normal teenage stuff.
3 hours later...
I met Christian outside and we were making our way home.

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