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I saw him. I saw him. I saw him. I saw Dave. I was completely shocked, he was the last person I thought I would see. I've been avoided him lately because I began to realize I had feelings for him. He started dating this girl Samatha and I had realized that I liked him because I was jealous. I knew it was wrong because he had did one of my very close friends dirty...he was talking to her and telling her all this shit about how he really liked her but would flirt with other girls. The sad part is we all went to the same school so he would flirt with these girls in front of my face, I talked to him about it and he use to say he was single and he wasn't flirting. They ended up not talking again and went out with the girl he said he wasn't flirting with. They broke up but karma is a bitch so it was expected. She did some really foul stuff but we learned how to co-exist and we dropped Dave. Dave and I were cordial but I realized I had feelings when he started dating Samatha. I was a lil hurt but happy because they were happy. I'm not a weird ass bitch so I decided to keep my distance. My best friend told me they broke up a couple weeks ago but I didn't care. I just thought the more I stay away from him, the more my feelings would fade. I realize right now that, I still like him but I don't know how things going to play out and I don't wanna get hurt. My thoughts were interrupted by Dave saying "Hello. Hello, earth to Lani!"
I said "Yeah, hey. What are you doing here?"
Dave said "I work here now." My heart fell to my ass.
I said "Cool." I began to walk away but he caught up with me and we was walking together.
Ms.Naomi said "Hey Milan and Dave, I see you guys got to know each other."
Dave responded "We go to school together and we go way back." I looked up at him confused as hell.
I walked over to one of my really good friend Zavi. I hugged him and said "Hey bitchhh, I missed you, it's been forever."
Zavi said "It has been forever bitch, now let's spill the tea." Zavi was so messy but you gotta love him.
Zavi and I talked a bit before we had to go into a meeting before our first day really started. While me and Zavi were talking, I kept seeing Dave stare at me.
I didn't tell Zavi about Dave because I wanted to tell Airi and Zavi at the same time about my whole ordeal. We walked into the room and I sat by Zavi and Dave sat on other other side of me. Understandable because I was the only person he knew. Dave asked "What we about to do?"
I replied "Have a meeting to get our schedules together and just let us know mandatory things."
Dave said "So what do y'all do here."
I said "We dance a little, I don't think you will like it but I find it fun. We take two dance classes of our choice then we assist two other classes. We have a hour lunch break and then we gone have another meeting but we usually just chill in there."
Dave said "Sounds kinda chill to me."
I chuckled lightly and the meeting began to start. When we finished our meeting Dave looked kinda lost so I asked him "Do you wanna make your schedule like mines so you won't be out of place?"
He laughed and nodded his head. We had all of our classes and work shifts together. I know, I need to keep my distance but I felt bad because he looked so lost. I can hide my feelings and I only have to keep this act up for 12 weeks.
Everything was cool for our two first shifts, we talked here and there and I introduced him to some people that I thought he would get along with, which he did. It was now lunch and I was just going to wait until I got to my house to eat because I wasn't really hungry. Dave left with boys and Zavi and I were sitting at a table in the lobby chilling.
Dave walked up to me and said "White rice, steak, corn, sour cream and cheese?"
I looked up confused and saw a chipotle bag in front of my face and realized he bought me food and remembered my order. I said "Yeah."
Dave said "I thought so, I saw you didn't leave out to get some food so I bought you some." shrugging his shoulders.
I said "Thank you, when I break this 50 I will give you money back."
Dave said "No, no need to pay me back. I got it to be nice and a thank you kinda."
I said "For what?"
Dave said "For helping me, to feel kinda comfortable in a new place. I know we not on the best terms but you still helped me so thank you. Maybe we could be friends?"
I said "No problem and sure. Thanks again."
He smiled and nodded in my direction before walking off. I was happy but confused he was being extremely nice. I was kinda glad that he wanted to be friends that's it and that's all. I was knocked outta my thoughts by Zavi, I forgot he was right there.
Zavi said "Bitch, he like you!"
I laughed.
Zavi said "Alright, you think it's funny. He don't even know you but know what you like. He couldn't help but keep smiling at you and he bought you food without asking and y'all not even a couple...YET."
I said "We go to school together and we were close friends for a lil while...maybe he just remembered."
Zavi said "Mhmm. All I know you better not ditch me for no nigga."
I laughed.
It was time for the meeting and we had to play a ice breaker game. Zavi saw this boy checking him out and he wanted to see what's up with him so he left me. I yelled across the room jokingly "What happened to better not leave me for a nigga." he laughed. Soon as I turned around Dave was right there, he asked "Wanna be partners?" I nodded and smiled.
Ms. Naomi said "Ask each other 10 personal questions to each other and then y'all can relax the rest of the time."
Dave started "Full name?"
I said "Milan Katrina Walker. Full name?"
Dave said "Dave Gionni East. Favorite color?"
I said "Blue. Pet peeve?"
Dave said "Betrayal. Bodies?"
I laughed because of how forward he was. I said "0. Bodies?"
Dave said "7. Light skin or dark skin?"
I said "Don't matter. Ever been in love?"
Dave laughed "Nope, fuck these hoes. Ever been in love?"
I said "Yes. Favorite food?"
Dave said "Burgers. How many times you been in love?"
I said "Once. Favorite subject?"
Dave said "Math. What's you favorite thing to do?"
I said "Listen to music. What your favorite thing to do?"
Dave said "Smoke weed." We both laughed he said "Have you ever smoked?"
I said "Yes, often. Ever had head?"
Dave chuckled lightly and said "Yes. Ever had head?"
I said "Yes. Favorite brand?"
Dave said "Gucci. Favorite store?"
I said "Forever 21, that's your last question. I have one more. Where do you see yourself in 5 years?"
Dave said "I don't know and I don't care." He was serious and it was kinda weird. I always cared about my future. How can you just not care ? We went our separate ways and stared at each other a couple times but didn't say anything. Zavi told me how he got the boy number, he was pressed. The rest of the day was cool and quickly it was time to go.
I walked out the building and texted Tyrese.
Me: you coming to get me?
favorite cousin 🙃: I can't get you no time soon so unless you wanna wait...
Me: imma let yk...
I called Zavi to see if he wanted to catch the train together but he had already left with the boy from earlier. I wasn't trying to catch the train by myself so I was just going to wait but somebody tapped my shoulder. Dave said "Need a ride?"
I said "No, I can just wait for my cousin."
Dave said "You sure, I don't mind."
I said "Well, I guess it wouldn't hurt."
We walked to the car and when I turned around to get my seatbelt, I saw a bra on the back seat and instantly caught a attitude. I said "She probably wants that back."
Dave looked at me with a confused expression and I pointed to the bra and he looked and laughed. Dave said "That's body number 7."
I rolled my eyes and barked "I don't care!"
Dave said "Somebody jealous."
I looked at him a laughed and said "Like I said, I don't care."
Dave rolled his eyes playfully. He asked for the address and I gave it to him. We kept the conversation light but we were arguing about him never seeing the Kevin Hart stand up comedy movies currently. We got in front of my house and we sat there for a bit. I said "You have to watch them."
Dave laughed and said "Maybe, I can watch it with you?"
I said "Why not?"
He said "You free right now."
He said "Cool, if we watch it here."
I said "Lemme text my cousin real quick." He nodded.
Me: i got a ride home. can my friend come over?
favorite cousin 🙃: Okay, sure. male or female?
Me: male...
favorite cousin 🙃: Ouuu, boyfriend?
Me: no, just a friend!
favorite cousin 🙃: I'm okay with it.
Me: Thanks.😘
favorite cousin 🙃: np😘
I said "He said it's cool."
Dave said "Let's go."

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