An Unlikely Match

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This was a request by elder_fuck_you, who asked for a soulmate au with Curt and Owen! (Also, this takes place in modern times.)
I wanted to try and get another oneshot out, because next week I won't be able to post anything due to reasons I won't say. I will, however, be able to write the next oneshot, so once I'm able to post it, I will.

The string had always been there, tied to Curt's ring finger on his left hand. It stretched in one direction at all times, only moving slightly throughout the years. The string was invisible to everyone else, except for the other person the string was connected to.

His soulmate.

Whenever he traveled too far west, he could feel the pull from the opposite direction. Once, he stood on a beach somewhere near the edge of Florida, to see if there was the possibility of his soulmate living in another country, or perhaps another continent.

The string stretched far out across the ocean, and it seemed never ending. So it was confirmed. His soulmate was not American.

There was the chance that they were American, and were just living in another country, but the string was pulled in that direction as long as he could remember.

Curt was very aware his whole life that once he was on his own, he could go looking for his soulmate. Most people did, when they had the opportunity to, or whenever they decided they were ready for a serious relationship. But he never found that he wanted to, out of the fear of who it could be. What it would bring.

Besides, it would get in the way of his job as an agent for the American Secret Service, or A.S.S for short.

He hadn't gone on very many mission, mainly because he was still undergoing training. But the A.S.S had an extra training program they were putting him through, which was supposed to ensure that he could work with others.

The program set trainees up with each other, and sometimes the trainees were each from different countries. If this was the case, they had the trainees communicate over call or text for a while, to make sure they got along fine. Then, one of them would fly to the other trainee's facility so that they could train together for the first time.

Curt knew all of this because his own partner was from England, and they had been speaking for the past month. His name was Owen Carvour, and today was the day he was coming to train with him for the first time. They fund that they got along quite well.

For the most part.

Curt stood outside of Cynthia's office, where he was to meet Owen. He scrolled through his phone most of the time, until he could feel something.. odd.

The string went slack, releasing pressure from his finger. It felt like a giant weight had been lifted off, for the string was always pulled tightly. This meant his soulmate had to be somewhat close.

He felt a jolt of excitement, and fear. He wasn't ready for this. But maybe his soulmate wouldn't come near him?

He pushed the thought out of his mind as two men came down the hall. One of them was Susan, Cynthia's assistant, who knew didn't like him very much. The second man, however, he'd never seen before. He was tall, with slicked back brown hair. He looked around at everything with a sense of curiosity.

But there was one thing Curt noticed that stood out compared to everything else.

He looked down at his own string, and followed it with his eyes. It stopped at the man's index finger.

They stared at each other for a few seconds in confusion until he heard the door behind him open.

"Finally, you're here, Owen.Took you fucking long enough. Get in my office." Cynthia went back inside, and they followed, while Susan stayed at the door.

They sat down in the chairs across from Cynthia's desk.

"Alright, so you'll start training.." Cynthia began reciting instructions, but Curt didn't listen. He was too dumbfounded by the string that connected him and Owen.

"Hey, you two, snap the fuck out of it. Why are you acting weird? It's not like you just met." Cynthia snapped her fingers, bringing Curt back to reality. Owen spoke up.

"It's nothing, Cynthia. It's just that we have some important matters to discuss after this meeting."

She sighed. "Whatever. You two can go, I have work to do."

They stood up abruptly and left, not even bothering to push the chairs in, or close the door behind them. Curt led Owen to a corner where they wouldn't be found. He held up the string.

"I can't believe this."

"Neither can I, love. The string kept becoming looser and looser the closer I got. Now I see why."

Curt ran his hands through his hair in distress.

"What are we going to do?"

"First of all, you need to calm down, Curt. Panicking won't help our situation."

He scoffed. "I'm not panicking. I simply don't want them to find out.. that my soulmate is another guy."

Owen raised his eyebrows. "And is that a bad thing? It's the twenty-first century, love. Those aren't things we should have to worry about."

"You're right, you're right. But this is awkward."

"It truly is. How are we going to do this?"

"I don't know. This would be worse if we didn't know each other."

He laughed. "Yeah, it would be. But we can't jump right into a relationship, even if we are soulmates."

"That sounds good." His phone went off. Cynthia wanted him back in her office.

"Cynthia wants me, can you maybe wait here?"

"Sure—" Curt kisses him on the cheek before running off down the hall, towards his boss's office.

"Damn you, Curt Mega!" He could hear Owen shout behind him.

"You know you love me!"

Curt hadn't even noticed that after he ran off, the string had disappeared.

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