The Warmest Hello

649 18 16

To the coldest goodbye..
Sorry, I couldn't help myself. I simply had to finish that lyric. Anyways, hope you all enjoy this one shot!

Owen was quite open to the idea of working with someone. In fact, he loved the idea. Usually he did missions alone, and having some sort of partner to work with would be good for him. He got tired of most of his coworkers, and it'd be nice to meet someone new.

He'd been given a file that explained that the person he'd be working with went by the name Curt Mega, and he was an American working for the A.S.S. Other than that, the file didn't have that much important information other than the compliments on how good of a spy this guy was supposed to be.

He guessed he'd have to meet the guy to get a real opinion on him.

Owen strolled down the streets of London, taking in the rare spring sunshine. He pushed open the door to one of his favorite cafes. He sat down at a two person table and checked his watch.


The time that they were supposed to meet at.

Owen looked around, not seeing anybody that fit Curt's description that was in his file. He must've been late.

While he waited, he went to the front and ordered two black coffees, not knowing what kind of coffee Curt preferred.

He drummed his fingers on the table in boredom. He thought about recent events at work and he wondered what Curt would be like.

Maybe he was cute.

Shut up, brain. He thought to himself.

Suddenly someone violently entered the cafe.

A forcefully pushed the door open, looking annoyed. He came over and stood in front of Owen.

Even with Owen sitting down, the man didn't look very tall. He had dark brown, almost black hair and beautiful hazel colored eyes that couldn't be described in a file.

"Are you Owen Carvour?"

Owen nodded. "Indeed I am. You must be the famous Curt Mega then?"

The man sat down in the chair across from him.

"Yep, that's me. My boss would probably say otherwise, but I still hold that title with pride."

"I was wondering, why did you open the door like that? Did something happen?"

"Oh, I uh.. well, let's just say the traffic in London has not been kind to me."

Owen chuckled. This guy was going to be fun to work with.

"It can be annoying. But you get used to it, after a while."

Curt eyed the other coffee. "Oh, did you get that for me?"

"Yeah, I didn't know what kind you like, so I just got you a black coffee."

"Thanks." Curt tried to grab the mug but quickly pulled his hand back.

"Careful, love. It's still hot."

Curt rubbed his hand where he'd touched the mug. "Ouch. That hurts." Owen raised his eyebrows. "Y'know, for a very well known spy you seem kind of careless."

"I am not careless! I am anything but careless!"

"Sure, love." Owen wrapped a napkin around his own coffee and took a sip. When he looked back up, Curt was looking down, his face slightly red.

"What is it?" He asked. Curt shook his head. "I.. nothing. It's nothing."

He's cute when he's flustered, Owen thought. Wait, no. You just met the guy. You don't even know if he's gay.

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